How to choose OS images

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Switch image streams

  • Candidate stream (UI): Go to Images > Change source > Custom, set URL to, and Connect.
  • Stable stream (UI): Set URL to and Connect.
  • CLI:
BOOT_SOURCE_ID=$(maas $PROFILE boot-sources read | jq '.[] | select(.url | contains("")) | .id')
maas $PROFILE boot-source update $BOOT_SOURCE_ID url=$STREAM_URL

Import standard images

  • Default: MAAS auto-downloads Ubuntu LTS (amd64). To remove an image, uncheck and save.
  • Host mirrors: Images > Change source > Custom, enter mirror URL, and Connect.

Import non-Ubuntu images

  • Import non-Ubuntu images via Images > Other Images.

Sync images

  • Sync hourly at region level, every 5 min at rack level.

List boot sources (CLI)

maas $PROFILE boot-sources read

Select boot sources (CLI)

maas $PROFILE boot-source-selections create $SOURCE_ID os="ubuntu" release="$SERIES" arches="$ARCH" subarches="$KERNEL" labels="*"

Get HWE kernels (CLI)

maas $PROFILE boot-source-selections create $SOURCE_ID os="ubuntu" release="xenial" arches="amd64" subarches="hwe-16.04" labels="*"

Import or list available images (CLI)

  • Import:
maas $PROFILE boot-resources import
  • List available:
maas $PROFILE boot-resources read

Delete or edit boot sources (CLI)

  • Delete:
maas $PROFILE boot-source delete $SOURCE_ID
  • Edit:
maas $PROFILE boot-source update $SOURCE_ID url=$URL keyring_filename=$KEYRING_FILE

Add a boot source (CLI)

maas $PROFILE boot-sources create url=$URL keyring_filename=$KEYRING_FILE

Use a local image mirror

  • Use the default keyring:

Re-create default boot source

  • Use these values:

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