USB network interface with dynamic MAC

Hi Community,

We are facing a problem with deploying a machine having a USB network interface.
The MAC address of this interface changes dynamically on every commission/deploy of a custom image and this is causing the generated /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg to have a different MAC address for this interface. As a result, netplan apply fails during deployment and eventually deployment fails.

For example, during enlistment, MAC address of the interface is be:3a:f2:b6:05:9f
While commissioning, MAC address of the interface is set to a6:bc:d3:10:16:5b

Note that this is not the interface we use for pxe booting and this interface is not connected to network.

How can we handle this dynamic MAC address in commissioning/deploying a custom image? Any help here is appreciated

Thanks & Regards

Hi there!

Devices whose MAC addresses change dynamically aren’t supported by MAAS.

One approach to this could be to write a custom commissioning script to perform the actions that you need

Another might be to use a cloud-init script during deployment. Here is an example of this in action.

Hope that helps!