We ran into an issue that highlights this need in MAAS to ensure we are installing the correct packages for systems during deployments:
On Power8 w/ Trusty, KVM does not work. MAAS can successfully deploy Ubuntu on Power however, Trusty does not have the correct qemu versions and likely never will due to how much work would be involved in SRUing as well as the fact that the SRU would affect multiple platforms that don’t need the updated version.
SO, qemu and libs are provided via cloud-archive for Kilo on Trusty.
However, there is no easy way to add these things to a system.
The documentation on hacking curtin_userdata is spotty at best and in any case, that tends to apply across ALL nodes, not just some nodes, as MAAS still lacks the ability to really provide per-system curtin_userdata files.
Also, MAAS seems to lack any easy or obvious way to apply different PPAs and Repositories per system when necessary.
So we need some way to add PPAs to nodes either arbitrarily or based on some measure (Tag? Arch?)
That way we could specify “Add CloudArchive PPA to any PPC64 node, use standard Trusty for all others”. This will ensure that an openstack deployment across a heterogeneous cluster of nodes will provide the same experience regardless of system type.
** ANother idea could be to simply add the PPA across RELEASE, so we could say “Add the Cloud ARchive PPA to all Trusty installs, but not Precise” or more specifically: “Add the Kilo Cloud Archive to all Trusty installs and add the Icehouse archive to all Precise installs” or something of that nature.