MAAS project tutorial

A good understanding of LXD projects is essential for those using LXD VM hosts, especially if you plan to include non-MAAS-controlled VMs in your LXD instance. Normally, we wouldn’t revisit instructions found elsewhere, but because the discussion flows quickly and naturally into MAAS-related usage, it seemed prudent to give a light overview of some basic feature information.

There are two avenues for learning about LXD projects:

These sections are arranged as tutorials, rather than simple, step-by-step how-to guides. If you’re looking for more concise procedures, see the best practices section later in this document.

How do I use LXD projects with LXD by itself?

Even without considering MAAS, there are a number of steps you can take to create and manage projects in LXD, directly from the command line. In this section, we’ll cover the following basic activities:

We won’t cover viewing and editing project configurations, and we won’t address theory or give overly detailed explanations. If you need any of that information, you should consult the LXD project documentation or the Ubuntu LXD documentation.

How do I list LXD projects?

Before you try to manipulate projects, it’s useful to understand how to list them, so that you can check your results as you go. If you’ve successfully installed and initialised lxd, you should be able to list projects. A basic project list can be obtained with the following command:

lxc project list

You should get a listing something like this:

| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

Note that this particular instantiation of LXD has two projects: the default project (which generally always exists in LXD), and a project called pg_basebackup-tests which is already managed by MAAS.

There is a column labelled USED BY, which tabulates the number of entities contained within the project. There isn’t a project-related command to get a list of the containers and VMs within a project. Instead, you use the LXC command lxc list:

lxc list

which yields something like the following tabulated listing:

|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING |      | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

How do you know which project you’re listing? The most reliable way is to first list projects and see which one is marked (current), like this:

lxc project list

As you see in the sample output, the currently visible and accessible project is listed as (current) in the project listing:

| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

We’ll show you how to switch to a different project further along in this tutorial.

How do I create a LXD project?

Suppose that you’re about to create a MAAS VM host, and you want a specific project named “maas-vm-host-1” for this particular situation. You can create that project with the following command:

$ lxc project create maas-vm-host-1
Project maas-vm-host-1 created

When you check your work with lxc project list, you’ll see that LXD did not automatically switch to the new project:

| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas-vm-host-1      | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

The lxc tool generally does only what you ask, nothing more.

How do I delete a LXD project?

Now, suppose that you decide you don’t need this project yet. No worries: you can easily delete it like this:

$ lxc project delete maas-vm-host-1
Project maas-vm-host-1 deleted

You can check that it was successfully deleted with the lxc project list command:

| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

How do I rename a LXD project?

On the other hand, maybe you didn’t need to actually delete that project, just change the name to maas-vm-host-001, which is what you really wanted in the first place. Consider your original project name, maas-vm-host-1:

| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas-vm-host-1      | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

You can quickly and easily change the project name like this:

$ lxc project rename maas-vm-host-1 maas-vm-host-001
Project maas-vm-host-1 renamed to maas-vm-host-001
$ lxc project list
| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas-vm-host-001    | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

From now on, we’ll be combining command output with the command invocation, most of the time.

How do I switch LXD projects?

You can choose which LXD project is currently visible and accessible, that is, you can choose which project will be acted on by most of the other project commands:

$ lxc project list
| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas-vm-host-001    | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

Only the project marked (current) in the project listing can be manipulated, for the most part, with the obvious exceptions of command that take project names (like “create,” “delete,” and so forth). For example, using lxc list to enumerate the names of containers and VMs limits its scope to the current project:

$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING |      | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

Suppose I want to know what all those “USE BY” things are in that pg_basebackup-tests project? Well, the most straightforward way to get that list is to first switch projects, then repeat the list command, like this:

$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING |      | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

You can see in the above listing that we’ve switched to the “…-tests” project. Now when we do a container list, we’ll see a different set:

$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING |      | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |      |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

It’s good practice to always switch projects carefully, so you’re not operating in some other project and creating chaos by accident.

How do I get a summary of LXD project resources?

We said that lxc commands operate on the current project most of the time. We gave that caveat because of commands like lxc project info, which requires a project name to get any usable output. For example, if you just type lxc project info, you’ll just get some “help” output:

$ lxc project info
  Get a summary of resource allocations

  lxc project info [<remote>:]<project> <key> [flags]

      --format   Format (csv|json|table|yaml) (default "table")

Global Flags:
      --debug            Show all debug messages
      --force-local      Force using the local unix socket
  -h, --help             Print help
      --project string   Override the source project
  -q, --quiet            Don't show progress information
  -v, --verbose          Show all information messages
      --version          Print version number

You can see from the help listing that a project name is required. Let’s try that again with a fairly large project:

$ lxc project info pg_basebackup-tests
|     RESOURCE     |   LIMIT   |  USAGE   |
| CONTAINERS       | UNLIMITED | 0        |
| CPU              | UNLIMITED | 15       |
| DISK             | UNLIMITED | 120.00GB |
| INSTANCES        | UNLIMITED | 15       |
| MEMORY           | UNLIMITED | 32.21GB  |
| NETWORKS         | UNLIMITED | 0        |
| PROCESSES        | UNLIMITED | 0        |

Here we see that the pg_basebackup-tests file has no containers, 15 VMs, 120GB of disk space used, etc. You can do this for any project, even if it’s not the current project, so from where we are here (in the pg_basebackup-tests project), we can still check resources in the default project:

|     RESOURCE     |   LIMIT   |  USAGE  |
| CONTAINERS       | UNLIMITED | 1       |
| CPU              | UNLIMITED | 2       |
| DISK             | UNLIMITED | 16.00GB |
| INSTANCES        | UNLIMITED | 3       |
| MEMORY           | UNLIMITED | 4.29GB  |
| NETWORKS         | UNLIMITED | 2       |
| PROCESSES        | UNLIMITED | 0       |

Note that lxc project info requires a project name. As mentioned earlier, typing the command without a project name just gives you a help message, not the stats for the default or current projects.

How do I show LXD project options?

You’ll remember that the “USED BY” column seemed to list more entities than there were containers or VMs. For example, the default project is “USED BY” seven entities, but only shows three containers or VMs:

$ lxc project list
| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas-vm-host-001    | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

You can make more sense of the “USED BY” column, and get a lot more information about your project, by using the lxc project show command:

$ lxc project show default
  features.images: "true"
  features.networks: "true"
  features.profiles: "true" "true"
description: Default LXD project
name: default
- /1.0/images/9a30ffb2faeea61cce6012c63071a1f1504a76e1dbbe03e575cc313170fdaf43
- /1.0/instances/trusty-drake
- /1.0/instances/upward-stallion
- /1.0/instances/witty-lizard
- /1.0/networks/lxdbr0
- /1.0/networks/lxdbr1
- /1.0/profiles/default

Here you’ll see several categories of information, notably as list of entities that are using this project. For example, there are three VMs/containers, two networks, one image, and the default profile.

What’s really interesting, though, is that the pg_basebackup-tests project is only used by 16 entities – but there are 15 VMs in that project. What’s that discrepancy about? Well, we can find out by showing the options for that project:

$ lxc project show options pg_basebackup-tests
  Show project options

  lxc project show [<remote>:]<project> [flags]

Global Flags:
      --debug            Show all debug messages
      --force-local      Force using the local unix socket
  -h, --help             Print help
      --project string   Override the source project
  -q, --quiet            Don't show progress information
  -v, --verbose          Show all information messages
      --version          Print version number
Error: Invalid number of arguments

Hmm, that’s weird. The project name is right, but it’s giving an error message. That’s because we used dashes in the project name, and the shell is trying to pick off everything after the first dash as an option to lxc project show maas. To get around this, we’d need to put the name in quotes, like this:

$ lxc project show "pg_basebackup-tests"
  features.images: "false"
  features.profiles: "true" "false"
description: Project managed by MAAS
name: pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/able-camel?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/alert-newt?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/casual-swan?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/exotic-grouse?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/flying-vervet?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/helped-thrush?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/main-mite?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/nearby-camel?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/noble-cod?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/poetic-parrot?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/prime-wombat?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/proud-raptor?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/rapid-mule?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/ready-mite?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/instances/smooth-quagga?project=pg_basebackup-tests
- /1.0/profiles/default?project=pg_basebackup-tests

Here you can see that the non-default project contains only a default profile for itself, and the 15 VMs added there. The other entities aren’t needed here, or can be accessed in the default project if required.

How do I use LXD projects with MAAS?

You have several options when it comes to using LXD projects with MAAS:

How do I create a new project for MAAS when instantiating a VM host?

There are two paths you can take when instantiating a VM host. Normally, we’d separate CLI and UI via our RAD selectors, but for tutorial purposes, we’ll present both methods.

Creating projects on VM instantiation with the MAAS CLI

If you’re using MAAS from the CLI, you’ll want to make sure you’ve generated an API key and logged in before you attempt to create a VM host. These steps are fairly simple; first, you’ll need the MAAS URL, which for this example, is You can find this URL by typing:

$ maas --help

This will return a help string. The correct MAAS API URL is shown in the last entry, “admin:”

usage: maas [-h] COMMAND ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

drill down:
    login         Log in to a remote API, and remember its description and credentials.
    logout        Log out of a remote API, purging any stored credentials.
    list          List remote APIs that have been logged-in to.
    refresh       Refresh the API descriptions of all profiles.
    init          Initialise MAAS in the specified run mode.
    config        View or change controller configuration.
    status        Status of controller services.
    migrate       Perform migrations on connected database.
    apikey        Used to manage a user's API keys. Shows existing keys unless --generate or --delete
                  is passed.
    configauth    Configure external authentication.
    createadmin   Create a MAAS administrator account.
                  Change a MAAS user's password.
    admin         Interact with

Next, you’ll need to generate the API key for your administrative user. You can this by entering the following at the command line:

$ sudo maas apikey --generate --username admin
[sudo] password for $USERNAME:

This will return only the API key, which looks something like this:


Having both of these, you can login with the following command:

$ maas login admin
API key (leave empty for anonymous access): PPWQWHs75G6rRmhgdQ:mskfQUYsSqBQnfCYC8:ZruUD3EmnQyhRLapR5whY4bV4h8n7zr7

Note in this example, you could cut and paste both the MAAS API URL and the API key into the command, at appropriate points. When you log in successfully, you will obtain a help listing something like this:

You are now logged in to the MAAS server at with the profile name 'admin'.

For help with the available commands, try:

  maas admin --help

Now that you’re logged in, you can create a new KVM with the following maas $PROFILE vmhosts create command:

$ maas admin vmhosts create --help
usage: maas admin vmhosts create [--help] [-d] [-k] [data [data ...]]

Create a VM host

This method accepts keyword arguments.  Pass each argument as a
key-value pair with an equals sign between the key and the value:
key1=value1 key2=value key3=value3.  Keyword arguments must come after
any positional arguments.

Create or discover a new VM host.

:param type: Required.  The type of VM host to create:
``lxd`` or ``virsh``.
:type type: String

 :param power_address: Required.  Address that gives
MAAS access to the VM host power control. For example, for virsh
For ``lxd``, this is just the address of the host.
:type power_address: String

 :param power_user: Required.  Username to use for
power control of the VM host. Required for ``virsh``
VM hosts that do not have SSH set up for public-key authentication.
:type power_user: String

 :param power_pass: Required.  Password to use for
power control of the VM host. Required ``virsh`` VM hosts that do
not have SSH set up for public-key authentication and for ``lxd``
if the MAAS certificate is not registered already in the LXD server.
:type power_pass: String

 :param name: Optional.  The new VM host's name.
:type name: String

 :param zone: Optional.  The new VM host's zone.
:type zone: String

 :param pool: Optional.  The name of the resource
pool the new VM host will belong to. Machines composed from this VM host
will be assigned to this resource pool by default.
:type pool: String

 :param tags: Optional.  A tag or list of tags (
comma delimited) to assign to the new VM host.
:type tags: String

 :param project: Optional.  For ``lxd`` VM hosts, the
project that MAAS will manage. If not provided, the ``default`` project
will be used. If a nonexistent name is given, a new project with that
name will be created.
:type project: String

Common command-line options:
    --help, -h
	Show this help message and exit.
    -d, --debug
	Display more information about API responses.
    -k, --insecure
	Disable SSL certificate check
stormrider@wintermute:~$ maas admin vmho

In the case of our example server, you’d type:

$ maas admin vmhosts create type=lxd power_address= project=keystone name=foo

You’d be greeted with a success result that looks something like this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "host": {
        "system_id": "hybned",
        "__incomplete__": true
    "storage_pools": [
            "id": "default",
            "name": "default",
            "type": "dir",
            "path": "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default",
            "total": 248618848256,
            "used": 0,
            "available": 248618848256,
            "default": true
            "id": "default2",
            "name": "default2",
            "type": "dir",
            "path": "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default2",
            "total": 248618848256,
            "used": 0,
            "available": 248618848256,
            "default": false
    "type": "lxd",
    "used": {
        "cores": 0,
        "memory": 0,
        "local_storage": 0
    "zone": {
        "name": "default",
        "description": "",
        "id": 1,
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/zones/default/"
    "total": {
        "cores": 0,
        "memory": 0,
        "local_storage": 497237696512
    "tags": [
    "architectures": [
    "available": {
        "cores": 0,
        "memory": 0,
        "local_storage": 497237696512
    "pool": {
        "name": "default",
        "description": "Default pool",
        "id": 0,
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/resourcepool/0/"
    "default_macvlan_mode": null,
    "name": "foo",
    "version": "4.13",
    "id": 26,
    "memory_over_commit_ratio": 1.0,
    "cpu_over_commit_ratio": 1.0,
    "capabilities": [
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vm-hosts/26/"

Note that we specified the project keystone as part of this creation step. We can now check the LXD project list and see if we did, in fact, create that project:

$ lxc project list
| default             | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 5       |
| keystone            | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 1       |
| maas_vm_host_001    | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| new_project         | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 1       |
| not-maas (current)  | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 3       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

Finally, we can switch to the project to get a detailed look:

$ lxc project switch keystone
$ lxc list

You’ll note that, since we just created the VM host, without adding any VMs, the keystone project will be empty.

How do I create a new VM in the LXD project associated with a VM host – and what happens?

Here we present both the CLI and the UI methods for accomplishing this task.

Creating new VMs in a VM host project via CLI

Let’s say that you have created your VM host (called foo, in this case) with a new, empty project called keystone. Now you want to create (that is, compose) a VM is this project. You can accomplish this with a command similar to the following:

maas admin vmhost compose 26

The VM host ID is found from the resource_uri line of the JSON output that was returned when you created the VM host; in this case, that line looks like this, yielding the ID number 26:

    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vm-hosts/26/"

MAAS will create (compose) the VM and immediately commission it. You can see this by executing the following command:

maas admin machines read wx8xcr | grep status_name

In this example, we’re using the system ID returned as the resource_uri of the composed VM that was returned in the JSON from the maas admin vmhost compose command above. We receive output similar to the following:

    "network_test_status_name": "Unknown",
    "testing_status_name": "Passed",
    "status_name": "Ready",
    "commissioning_status_name": "Passed",
    "other_test_status_name": "Unknown",
    "storage_test_status_name": "Passed",
    "interface_test_status_name": "Unknown",
    "cpu_test_status_name": "Unknown",
    "memory_test_status_name": "Unknown",

You can see by the several status messages that this machine was successfully commissioned, sitting now in the ready state.

So from this experiment, we can see that creating (composing) a VM in a VM host causes MAAS to automatically commission the VM.

How do I move an existing VM into the LXD project associated with a VM host – and what happens?

We’ve seen what happens if we compose a VM in a VM host – it’s automatically commissioned. But what if we move an existing VM into a LXD project that’s associated with a MAAS VM host? Let’s try it and see.

First, let’s check on an existing VM in one of our other projects:

$ lxc project switch not-maas
$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER       | 0         |
$ lxc move trusty-drake trusty-drake --project not-maas --target-project keystone
$ lxc project switch keystone
$ lxc list
|     NAME     |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| handy-sloth  | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| trusty-drake | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

We can check the status with MAAS, but we’ll find that the machine isn’t recognised. If we turn it on, it will be enlisted by MAAS. Since MAAS doesn’t know about it yet, we need to turn it on with the following command:

lxc start trusty-drake

Nothing happens for a while, but eventually MAAS will discover the machine and attempt to commission it. In fact, since MAAS doesn’t know what power type to use, it completes all the commissioning scripts except 30-maas-01-bmc-config:

Name Tags Result Date Runtime
20-maas-01-install-lldpd node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:22 0:00:00
20-maas-02-dhcp-unconfigured-ifaces node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:22 0:00:00
30-maas-01-bmc-config bmc-config, node Skipped Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:22 0:00:00
50-maas-01-commissioning node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:23 0:00:00
maas-capture-lldpd node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:43:17 0:00:53
maas-get-fruid-api-data node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:26 0:00:00
maas-kernel-cmdline node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:25 0:00:01
maas-list-modaliases node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:25 0:00:00
maas-lshw node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:26 0:00:02
maas-serial-ports node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:24 0:00:00
maas-support-info node Passed Mon, 19 Apr. 2021 21:42:25 0:00:01

This machine will sit in the “New” state until you assign it a power type, and enter the correct power parameters.

For example, to get this new (moved) VM ready to be fully commissioned, you’ll need to first find it in the machine list:

maas admin machines read
(lots of JSON output, down to the last line)
  "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/machines/r3mmsh/"

<a href="#heading--projects-s2-delete-vm-host"><h4 id="heading--projects-s2-delete-vm-host">What happens to my new MAAS project if I delete the VM host?</h4></a>

At some point, you may want to delete your MAAS VM host.  You can do so in the following way:

maas $PROFILE vmhost delete $VM_HOST_ID

You can gather the $VM_HOST_ID with the command:

maas $PROFILE vmhosts read | grep "resource_uri"

which usually returns about three lines for each VM host:

            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/resourcepool/0/"
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/zones/default/"
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/vm-hosts/25/"

The line you’re interested in contains vm-hosts, and the $VM_HOST_ID is the terminal number, in this case, 25.

If you have more than one VM host, you can match it with a command like this, by looking at the hostname:

maas $PROFILE vmhost read $VM_HOST_ID | grep '"name"'

Note the use of the singular vmhost in this command.

How hard is it to move LXD entities to another project to hide them from MAAS?

Suppose that want to use MAAS with your default LXD project, and that you have a couple of LXD entities in your default project that you don’t want to use with MAAS:

$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  |         IPV4          |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |                       |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |                       |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

In the above example, you want to use witty-lizard with MAAS, but you want to move the other two entities to a project called not-maas. To accomplish this, you first need to create the not-maas project if it doesn’t exist:

$ lxc project create not-maas
Project not-maas created
$ lxc project list
| default (current)   | YES    | YES      | YES             | YES      | Default LXD project     | 7       |
| maas_vm_host_001    | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| not-maas            | YES    | YES      | YES             | NO       |                         | 1       |
| pg_basebackup-tests | NO     | YES      | NO              | NO       | Project managed by MAAS | 16      |

Having done so, you now want to move trusty-drake and upward-stallion to a new project. Let’s tackle trusty-drake first:

$ lxc move trusty-drake trusty-drake --project default --target-project not-maas --verbose
$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  |         IPV4          |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:febf:7fa7 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |                       |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
$ lxc project switch not-maas
$ lxc list
|     NAME     |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

It’s important to note that the move step may take 30 seconds or more; that’s normal.

Next, let’s try moving upward-stallion, which is a running container:

$ lxc move upward-stallion upward-stallion --project default --target-project not-maas --verbose
Error: Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Invalid devices: Failed detecting root disk device: No root device could be found
$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  |         IPV4          |                    IPV6                     |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| upward-stallion | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:ec:5a53:59d2:216:3eff:fe64:a206 (eth0) | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| witty-lizard    | STOPPED |                       |                                             | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

Hmm, what’s that error message about? Well, you actually need to add the default storage pool to the mix, with this command:

lxc profile device add default root disk path=/ pool=default

Having done so, you can try the move again:

$ lxc move upward-stallion upward-stallion --project default --target-project not-maas --verbose
$ lxc list                            
|     NAME     |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| witty-lizard | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
$ lxc project switch not-maas
$ lxc list
|      NAME       |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| trusty-drake    | STOPPED |      |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |
| upward-stallion | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER       | 0         |

The move succeeds this time – with an important distinction: the compartment upward-stallion was STOPPED by lxc during the move. This is an important planning consideration when you’re trying to create MAAS VMs & VM hosts in an already-active LXD instantiation. We’ll cover that case in best practices, below.


Hello there! Seems like the “Best Practices” section is missing??
