How to use network tags

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This page explains how to use network tags in MAAS.

Creating and tagging network interfaces (UI)

To add a tag to an interface, navigate to Machines > machine > Network > Edit physical > Tags. Enter your new tag and click Save interface.

Erasing tags from on interface (UI)

To remove a tag from an interface, navigate to Machines > machine > Network > Edit physical > Tags. Click X next to the tag you want to remove, and choose Save interface.

Viewing tags on an interface (UI)

To view the tags on an interface, navigate to Machines > machine > Network > Edit physical > Tags. Click Cancel when done.

Discover your interface’s ID (CLI)

Identify your network interfaces with a command akin to this:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t


maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

Expect output like:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise

Adding tags (CLI)

Tag your network interface with this command format:

maas $PROFILE interface add-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME


maas admin interface add-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

You’ll see a verbose JSON output revealing the changes.

Deleting tags (CLI)

To exterminate a tag:

maas $PROFILE interface remove-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME


maas admin interface remove-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

You’ll be greeted with a JSON output that confirms the tag’s removal.

Listing tags (CLI)

List all tags with:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t


maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

Expect output like:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise  farquar

Single-interface tag viewing

To view tags on a specific interface:

maas $PROFILE interface read $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID \
| jq '.tags'


maas admin interface read xn8taa 9 | jq '.tags'

Anticipate a JSON output displaying the tags.

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