Hardware testing (deb/2.7/CLI)

If you wish, you can tell MAAS to test machine hardware using well-known Linux utilities. MAAS can test machines that have a status of Ready, Broken, or Deployed. You can include testing as part of the commissioning process. When you choose the ‘Commission’ action, MAAS will display the dialog described below. Be aware, though, that if the hardware tests fail, the machine will become unavailable for Deployment.

The majority of testing scripts only work with machines that are backed by physical hardware (e.g. they may be incompatible with VM-based machines).

With MAAS, you can easily write, upload and execute your hardware testing scripts and see the results.

Three questions you may have:

  1. How do I upload hardware test scripts?
  2. How do I use tags to help with hardware test scripts?
  3. How do I view test results?

Uploading hardware test scripts

To upload a hardware testing script to MAAS, enter the following:

maas $PROFILE node-scripts create name=$SCRIPT_NAME name> \
 script=$PATH_TO_SCRIPT type=testing

Changing the type to commissioning adds the test script to the commissioning process.

You can list all uploaded scripts with the following command:

maas $PROFILE node-scripts read type=testing filters=$TAG

The optional filters argument lets you search for tags assigned to a script, such as using TAG=cpu with the above example.

A script’s metadata, and even the script itself, can be updated from the command line:

maas $PROFILE node-script update \

The JSON formatted output to the above command will include ‘history’ dictionary entries, detailing script modification times and associated comments:

"history": [
        "id": 40,
        "created": "Tue, 12 Sep 2017 12:12:08 -0000",
        "comment": "Updated version"
        "id": 34,
        "created": "Fri, 08 Sep 2017 17:07:46 -0000",
        "comment": null

MAAS keeps a history of all uploaded script versions, allowing you to easily revert to a previous version using the id of the version you wish to revert to:

maas $PROFILE node-script revert $SCRIPT_NAME to=$VERSION_ID

Warning: The history for later modifications will be lost when reverting to an earlier version of the script.

To download a script, enter the following:

maas $PROFILE node-script download $SCRIPT_NAME > $LOCAL_FILENAME

To delete a script, use delete:

maas $PROFILE node-script delete $SCRIPT_NAME


Tags make scripts easier to manage; grouping scripts together for commissioning and testing, for example:

maas $PROFILE node-script add-tag $SCRIPT_NAME tag=$TAG
maas $PROFILE node-script remove-tag $SCRIPT_NAME tag=$TAG

MAAS runs all commissioning scripts by default. However, you can select which custom scripts to run during commissioning by name or tag:

maas $PROFILE machine commission \

You can also select which testing scripts to run by name or tag:

maas $PROFILE machine commission \

Any testing scripts tagged with commissioning will also run during commissioning.


The command line allows you to not only view the current script’s progress but also retrieve the verbatim output from any previous runs too.

If you only want to see the latest or currently-running result, you can use current-commissioning, current-testing, or current-installation instead of an id:

maas $PROFILE node-script-result read $SYSTEM_ID $RESULTS

You can also limit which results are returned by type (commissioning, testing, or installation), script name, or script run:

maas $PROFILE node-script-results read \

You can also suppress failed results, which is useful if you want to ignore a known failure:

maas $PROFILE node-script-results update \

where $SUPPRESSED is either True or False. The JSON formatted output to the above command will include ‘results’ dictionary with an entry for suppressed:

"results": [
        "id": 21,
        "created": "Tue, 02 Apr 2019 17:00:36 -0000",
        "updated": "Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:56:41 -0000",
        "name": "smartctl-validate",
        "status": 5,
        "status_name": "Aborted",
        "exit_status": null,
        "started": "Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:56:41 -0000",
        "ended": "Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:56:41 -0000",
        "runtime": "0:00:00",
        "starttime": 1554238601.765214,
        "endtime": 1554238601.765214,
        "estimated_runtime": "0:00:00",
        "parameters": {
            "storage": {
                "argument_format": "{path}",
                "type": "storage",
                "value": {
                    "id_path": "/dev/vda",
                    "model": "",
                    "name": "sda",
                    "physical_blockdevice_id": 1,
                    "serial": ""
        "script_id": 1,
        "script_revision_id": null,
        "suppressed": true

Finally, results can be downloaded, either to stdout, stderr, as combined output or as a tar.xz:

maas $PROFILE node-script-result download $SYSTEM_ID $RUN_ID output=all \
 filetype=tar.xz > $LOCAL_FILENAME

$RUN_ID is labelled id in the verbose result output.

See Commissioning and Hardware Testing Scripts for more details on how these scripts work and how you can write your own.