Getting help - please read first

Welcome to the MAAS Discourse community. We try to do our best supporting each other, and the MAAS development team at Canonical also inhabits these waters. We try to encourage users to help each other as much as possible, but we also have professional support available. Please read below to learn more about how to ask for help.

Community help

When asking for help, it is useful and saves time for everybody if you include more information rather than less. For example:

Take the time to familiarise yourself with both of these documents, in the end it will help you get the help you need faster.

Professional support

Help given on Discourse is always on a best effort basis. While we work hard to keep improving the documentation and encourage people to help each other on Discourse, there are alway situations where it is beneficial to get professional support.

Although MAAS is open source, we use the funding we get from professional support to hire engineers, fix bugs, build features, and allocate time to support both users and customers.

We recommend professional support for customers intending to run production grade systems where they feel more comfortable knowing they have a support contract.

Canonical offers several different levels of support for MAAS, which are described on

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