What's new in MAAS (release id)

vv [Ed: Use this form for releases that contain only bug fixes] vv

MAAS {release id} release notes

Building upon MAAS {last-point-release-id}, we have released {this-point-release-id}, which contains some notable [bug fixes](link to milestone here). You can find a digest of these fixes below.

vv [Ed: Use this form for releases that contain features (possibly in addition to bug fixes)] vv

MAAS {release-id} release notes

Following on from MAAS [release-id], we are happy to announce that MAAS [this-release-id] is now available.

What are the new features & fixes for MAAS [release-id]?

  1. Concise feature title
  2. Concise feature title

Six other questions you may have:

  1. What known issues should I be aware of?
  2. [How do I install MAAS {release-id}?](link to install page)
  3. [How do I upgrade my MAAS {previous-release-id} snap to a MAAS {this-release-id} snap?](link to specific heading explaining this)
  4. [How do I install MAAS {this-release-id} from packages?](link to specific heading explaining this)
  5. [How do I upgrade MAAS {previous-release-id} to MAAS {this-release-id} using packages?](link to specific heading explaining this)
  6. What bugs are fixed so far in this release?

Descriptive feature title

Concise feature description, enough so that someone can decide if they are interested in this feature.

Descriptive feature title

Concise feature description, enough so that someone can decide if they are interested in this feature.

Bug fixes

[Ed: these should be in reverse numbering/chronological order, e.g., 2.9.1 comes before 2.9]

Bugs fixed in {release-id} release

  1. It is now possible to [{do something descriptive about MAAS}](link to specific bug).
  2. MAAS now [{does something better}](link to specific bug).
  3. A [{some annoying issue}](link to specific bug) was fixed.

Bugs fixed in {prior-release-id} release

  1. It is now possible to [{do something descriptive about MAAS}](link to specific bug).
  2. MAAS now [{does something better}](link to specific bug).
  3. A [{some annoying issue}](link to specific bug) was fixed.

Known issues

{Some known issue}

{Adequate descriptive text to identify and characterize the known issue, with examples and output if necessary for understanding}