What ports should I filter on the MAAS node? [SOLVED]

Hi there,
Currently, I setup some iptables rules according to:

However, I have seen some other ports open which are not listed on the documentation ( or haven’t found it )

  1. ports 7911 is open
    What is it running?
    root 3485250 0.0 0.0 105460 11224 ? Sl Aug15 0:43 /snap/maas/36593/usr/sbin/dhcpd -f -4 -pf /var/snap/maas/common/maas/dhcp/dhcpd.pid -cf /var/snap/maas/common/maas/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/snap/maas/common/maas/dhcp/dhcpd.leases enp1s0f1

If DHCP is provided by an external service, you must open the port on the external server.

  1. ports 5239 and 5249 are open to the world
    What is it running?
    root 3484665 0.4 0.0 653148 97224 ? Sl Aug15 399:54 python3 /snap/maas/36593/bin/rackd
    root 3484666 1.3 0.1 1124244 156604 ? Sl Aug15 1341:42 python3 /snap/maas/36593/bin/regiond

According to Internet, these are ports exposing metrics for prometheus
ref - https://maas.lab.linuxcontainers.org/MAAS/docs/cli/how-to-set-up-maas-metrics.html

  1. ports 3128 and 8000 are open to the world
    What is it running?
    snap_da+ 3485162 0.0 0.4 644060 595700 ? Sl Aug15 5:27 squid -N -d 5 -f /var/snap/maas/36593/proxy/maas-proxy.conf

According to Internet, these are ports used by the maas-proxy
The maas proxy is used by the machines as a form of cache when running APT

So, now that I have listed the ports above, Should I filter just within the internal network(s), or what services/ports should I leave exposed to the internet?


Ideally you don’t expose anything to the internet. MAAS is designed to manage your datacenter/network, there is no need to expose it to the internet

On points #2 and #3 I understand those ports should not be exposed.
but what about port 7911/tcp running by dhcpd.
It also runs the port 67/udp

No ports should be exposed at all on the internet. Btw the ports 7911 and 67 are used by dhcp

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