I am looking to setup Maas on a virtual machine, this vm, is my region controller. I have followed the bootstrap-maas setup guide to a tee, even the ones that come before it.
I hit a bump when Activity 4 came along. After many retries, restarts, resets, wipes, refreshes, I could not get it to work. I also tried following the ‘how to setup lxd’ doc, that also didn’t work. No matter what combination of yes/no questions I tried when first setting it up.
If I said ‘Yes’ to connect to a maas server, the error was “Could not find hostname” I tried many different hostnames to see
Anything regarding the bridge, using an existing one, resulted in an error about DHCP and DNS exiting prematurely, and giving a different IP in the error message each time.
I am able to access the Web UI, but after clicking around I couldn’t find/do anything that may help.
I have tried that already, and to no avail. As for which Hypervisor, I’m not sure I’m using any - but I am not the one who configured the region controller. When I go to mess with it, like attempt to initialize lxd, I use MobaXTerm to SSH to the vm.