Unable to import Ubuntu image

I just installed MAAS 3.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and I’m trying to get started, but can’t seem to import an image. I’ve tried to import Ubuntu 20 image multiple times, and even CentOS 7, but after the status goes to 100% I never see the image listed.

I’ve tried to obtain information from the CLI, but it is really hard to use. Shouldn’t the image just show up in the UI?

Hi @orangepickle82

Once the image is downloaded and synced it will be listed in UI and available to be used for deployment.

Did you check logfiles if they contain any errors?

I don’t see any errors in the log files. In fact, it looks like it was successful.

2023-04-18T20:29:23.895809+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Downloading image descriptions from http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/
2023-04-18T20:29:23.895957+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Region downloading image descriptions from 'http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/'.
2023-04-18T20:29:25.972835+00:00 localhost maas.bootsources: [info] Updated boot sources cache.
2023-04-18T20:29:25.983882+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [info] Started importing of boot images from 1 source(s).
2023-04-18T20:29:25.984612+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Downloading image descriptions from http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/
2023-04-18T20:29:25.984691+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Region downloading image descriptions from 'http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/'.
2023-04-18T20:29:28.005024+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [info] Importing images from source: http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/
2023-04-18T20:29:29.461909+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:ga-20.04 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.489494+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:ga-20.04-lowlatency 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.515910+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:hwe-20.04 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.541459+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:hwe-20.04-edge 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.567924+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:hwe-20.04-lowlatency 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.593819+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:v3:boot:20.04:amd64:hwe-20.04-lowlatency-edge 20230327
2023-04-18T20:29:29.884665+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [warn] Ignoring unsupported filetype(manifest) from com.ubuntu.maas.stable:centos-bases:7.0:amd64 20211103_01
2023-04-18T20:30:28.000938+00:00 localhost maas.bootresources: [info] Finished importing of boot images from 1 source(s).
2023-04-18T20:30:28.050767+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Starting rack boot image import
2023-04-18T20:30:28.053103+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Downloading image descriptions from
2023-04-18T20:30:28.053168+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Rack downloading image descriptions from ''.
2023-04-18T20:30:28.101548+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Finished importing boot images, the region does not have any new images.
2023-04-18T20:30:28.103291+00:00 localhost maas.import-images: [info] Starting rack boot image import

Did anyone managed to solve this issue?

I got the same thing, the download was so slow, it got to a 100% but you never see it listed.

Now everywhere in the MAAS Web UI I can see the message below

Failed to import images from http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/: (‘Connection aborted.’, ConnectionResetError(104, ‘Connection reset by peer’))

Hey @orangepickle82. Could you please provide the output for the following commands?

  1. maas $MAAS_PROFILE boot-sources read | tee /dev/fd/2 | jq .[0].id | xargs maas $MAAS_PROFILE boot-source-selections read && maas $MAAS_PROFILE boot-resources read (since it is a MAAS CLI command, you need to log in and export MAAS_PROFILE first)
  2. If you use snap, grep -E "(sstream|bootresource)" /var/snap/maas/common/log/regiond.log. If you use deb, grep -E "(sstream|bootresource)" /var/log/maas/regiond.log

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thanks!

Hey @rcalma. This error message indicates that there might be issues with your networking configuration. Although the image could be 100% downloaded, it is possible that it was corrupted during the download, therefore rejected. For your case, I’d recommend checking the network connection between your MAAS installation and images.maas.io by trying to download anything from it using wget or curl and checking whether the checksum matches. E.g.

wget http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/kinetic/amd64/20230325/ga-22.10/generic/boot-kernel && echo "2222ebbe85984120c869610e48a80b0495a9b78ba532801a4a93f4d73ff122d9 boot-kernel" | sha256sum -c

should return boot-kernel: OK

I just discovered that there’s an issue with our firewall and it is blocking the download of the boot-kernel file.

HTTP is blocked but HTTPS is working. Is there any way to configure MAAS to use HTTPS to download files?

Sure! On Images screen, there is a “Change Source” button. Click it, choose “Custom” and use https://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/stable/streams/v1/index.sjson.

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Looks like that works! I see the Ubuntu image now and the status is “synced”. Thank you!

I tried again today and it worked, I’m not sure what happened but it just fixed it self.
Thanks for the help!