Terrible MDADM performance during deployment == slow/failed deployment

I’m having terrible performance when building machines that use MDADM in some cases. The symptom being the deployment takes FOREVER, on the order of hours for a single machine.

When logging into a deploying machine and running cat /proc/mdstat I get this:
ubuntu@server:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md1 : active raid1 sdb3[1] sda2[0]
5843968 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]

md0 : active raid1 sdb2[1] sda1[0]
244059136 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
[==>…] resync = 14.1% (34638208/244059136) finish=17.4min speed=200064K/sec
bitmap: 2/2 pages [8KB], 65536KB chunk

md2 : active raid10 sdn[11] sdm[10] sdl[9] sdk[8] sdj[7] sdi[6] sdh[5] sdg[4] sdf[3] sde[2] sdd[1] sdc[0]
5625360384 blocks super 1.2 512K chunks 2 near-copies [12/12] [UUUUUUUUUUUU]
[>…] resync = 0.0% (5435712/5625360384) finish=3157261.0min speed=29K/sec
bitmap: 42/42 pages [168KB], 65536KB chunk

unused devices:

Notice the build speed on md2, 29K/sec what the heck is going on?
Ephemeral kernel:
uname -a
Linux use1-oscomp-76 5.4.0-52-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 15 10:57:00 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The curtin config for the host related to storage is:

  • grub_device: true
    id: sda
    model: KINGSTON_SKC6002
    name: sda
    ptable: msdos
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • grub_device: true
    id: sdb
    model: KINGSTON_SKC6002
    name: sdb
    ptable: gpt
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • device: sdb
    flag: bios_grub
    id: sdb-part1
    number: 1
    offset: 4194304B
    size: 1048576B
    type: partition
    wipe: zero
  • id: sdc
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdc
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdd
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdd
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sde
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sde
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdf
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdf
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdg
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdg
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdh
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdh
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdi
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdi
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdj
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdj
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdk
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdk
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdl
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdl
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdm
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdm
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • id: sdn
    model: Micron_5200_MTFD
    name: sdn
    serial: REDACTED
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  • devices:
    • sdc
    • sdd
    • sde
    • sdf
    • sdg
    • sdh
    • sdi
    • sdj
    • sdk
    • sdl
    • sdm
    • sdn
      id: md2
      name: md2
      ptable: gpt
      raidlevel: 10
      spare_devices: []
      type: raid
  • device: sda
    id: sda-part1
    name: sda-part1
    number: 1
    size: 250051821568B
    type: partition
    uuid: d616f9ef-e3a5-41c8-a1d5-c3f08312c8a6
    wipe: superblock
  • device: sda
    id: sda-part2
    name: sda-part2
    number: 2
    size: 5989466112B
    type: partition
    uuid: bd14c40e-1bd0-4599-b14d-69573f6ded62
    wipe: superblock
  • device: sdb
    id: sdb-part2
    name: sdb-part2
    number: 2
    size: 250051821568B
    type: partition
    uuid: fd3fff0a-ce4a-44d7-81f2-d2a2d884d64a
    wipe: superblock
  • devices:
    • sda-part1
    • sdb-part2
      id: md0
      name: md0
      raidlevel: 1
      spare_devices: []
      type: raid
  • device: sdb
    id: sdb-part3
    name: sdb-part3
    number: 3
    size: 5989466112B
    type: partition
    uuid: 555d06e8-64c6-404b-a808-a2acd220c828
    wipe: superblock
  • devices:
    • sda-part2
    • sdb-part3
      id: md1
      name: md1
      raidlevel: 1
      spare_devices: []
      type: raid
  • device: md2
    id: md2-part1
    name: md2-part1
    number: 1
    offset: 4194304B
    size: 5759970574336B
    type: partition
    uuid: a6b4001c-f7b5-4e3a-af66-afb3957d5b7f
    wipe: superblock
  • devices:
    • md2-part1
      id: raid10_vg
      name: raid10_vg
      type: lvm_volgroup
      uuid: 2740a009-e529-435b-8d03-31f1f5514a13
  • id: raid10_vg-nova
    name: nova
    size: 5470823645184B
    type: lvm_partition
    volgroup: raid10_vg
  • fstype: ext4
    id: md0_format
    label: ‘’
    type: format
    uuid: 21abd547-3d0c-4fab-84b8-f9621781ab06
    volume: md0
  • fstype: swap
    id: md1_format
    label: ‘’
    type: format
    uuid: 7919b895-e94e-4e3b-b4f2-d9f3d62ebf35
    volume: md1
  • fstype: xfs
    id: raid10_vg-nova_format
    label: ‘’
    type: format
    uuid: 4dd85880-6f1b-4b8a-8fa2-9f3944efca43
    volume: raid10_vg-nova
  • device: md0_format
    id: md0_mount
    options: ‘’
    path: /
    type: mount
  • device: raid10_vg-nova_format
    id: raid10_vg-nova_mount
    options: ‘’
    path: /var/lib/nova
    type: mount
  • device: md1_format
    id: md1_mount
    options: ‘’
    type: mount
    version: 1
    size: 0B