(Temporary continuation of the existing) Mailing list archive?

Those who are interested in obtaining a complete local archive of the mailing list were previously able to download the maas-devel archives (i.e., mbox files).
After switching to discourse.maas.io, it’s possible to enable “Mailing list mode” in Preferences>Emails and mark all categories of interest as being “watched”.

Unfortunately, those who are “late to the game” (i.e., those like me who only joined the mailing list, then saw the post about the use of Discourse and came here) are faced with a number of missing posts in their local archive, as it’s impossible to easily obtain copies of posts published before you subscribed here.

Hence my question: Are there any means/plans to export all existing posts in mbox fomat for at least a certain period of time?

We actually don’t (didn’t) have any plans in exporting all current posts in mbox format.

I think this is something we could investigate, time permitting and announce it appropriately.

@anthonydillon any ideaS?