Postgress 14 Upgrade Procedure and SNAP distribution

MAAS is complaining of Postgress 12 no longer supported,

the documentation is listing an upgrade procedure for standard packages installation.

is there an upgrade prodedure for nap distribution?

You should follow the upgrade instructions from the Postgresql snap package you are using.

If you are using maas-test-db, then there’s no official upgrade procedure, as this package is not intended to support long running deployments. One alternative is to do a backup of the current DB (using sudo maas-test-db.psql and the standard backup procedure), then upgrade the snap and finally restore the backup into the new DB.

There is a way how you can restore/backup maas-test-db data when updating the snap

  1. Backup your existing data
sudo snap run --shell maas-test-db.psql -c 'db-dump dump $SNAP_COMMON/maasdb.dump maasdb'
  1. Copy your backup out of snap common
cp /var/snap/maas-test-db/common/maasdb.dump /some/where/maasdb.dump
  1. Make a clean snap install of maas-test-db or refresh
sudo snap remove maas-test-db
sudo snap install --channel=latest/edge
  1. Drop existing default db
snap run --shell maas-test-db.psql -c 'psql.wrapper -d postgres -c "drop database maasdb;"'
  1. Restore your data
cp /some/where/maasdb.dump /var/snap/maas-test-db/common/maasdb.dump
sudo snap run --shell maas-test-db.psql -c 'db-dump restore $SNAP_COMMON/maasdb.dump maasdb maas'

(you should stop MAAS before doing this)

I know. I knew when I installed to test MAAS…

But I kept adding servers, now around 20. And has been running like clockwork for years…

Well, I actually had to update the rasperry pi 4 where all is running to one with 8GB or memory, but otherwise, like clockwork.

I guess is not too many servers, but for a little development lab like ours, works just fine.

Thanks that worked perfectly well. Only change is that I installed DB from 3.5/stable channel.

Database migration worked fine, and later upgrading to 3.5 worked fine.


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