Machine must be connected to a network

I installed Maas and config fabric, space, DHCP, and subnets and I used Add hardware > Classic to add VMware ESXI virtual machines to Maas. Then Maas detected virtual machines with network interfaces, etc. and now I can turn on/off virtual machines from Maas but when I commission virtual machines, it stays in pending mode, and the network tab returns this error “Machine must be connected to a network.”

How can i fix it? I have been dealing with this problem for several days

before config machine subnet and before the commission:

After config machine subnet and before the commission:


After abort commission:
after abort commission subnet config changed to before

@billwear I am having a similar issue with LXD VMs on AMD / DGXA100 hardware. It doesn’t show the hosts are LXD vms nor does it display networking or IP info. Just the “Error: Machine must be connected to a network”, and the network configuration is unaccessible.