MAAS UI: Wrapping up the UX design for LXD cluster support

Wrapping LXD cluster support UX work

We have been working on the 4th UX design iteration on LXD cluster support in MAAS. Our 3 big goals are to allow people to register their LXD cluster in MAAS, view resource usage on each cluster to make scheduling decisions, and add VMs on a cluster member.

In this screenshot above, you can distinguish between which project has access to a cluster or a single host. If it has access to a LXD cluster, it will show the count of cluster members in the sub text area. We want to allow people to see that multiple projects can belong to one cluster.

Once you drill down into the project level, you will see all the LXD hosts under the VM host tab. From this perspective, you will be able to add VMs on the cluster member, view the settings of the each node, as well as adding tags and refresh.

You can either see all VMs in the project from the virtual machines tab or drill down and filter to a specific host to see the all VMs that are added to a particular cluster member.

If you drill down by filtering into a specific LXD host (cluster member), the resource graph would change accordingly and you should be able to view this graph by NUMA node as well.

You can also view resources of a cluster relative to that project by selecting the resources tab. The resources tab allows you to see the full picture of allocated resources in the project as well as a breakdown of the storage in the cluster that is relative to that project. Because this is a cluster level, virtual functions will show as an aggregate of all cluster members combined, but we are currently looking into showing this information in the cluster member level for more clarity.

Feedback is always welcome. Let us know what you think :slight_smile: