MAAS UI: Event logs, Cloud-like MAAS experience, and PCI device modelling

Event logs

In this cycle, our biggest UI transition is to migrate our legacy code to ReactJS for Machine Details pages. Events and Logs tabs are the essential part of this work as they contain essential information for debugging during deployment. Earlier this year, we did some exploration work and iterated on how to make our Events experience better. So in this iteration, we put together the first minimum viable version for ReactJS migration in order to get the Events tab ready for the next release.

Our minimum version includes:

  • Merging our Logs and Events tab together. Our exploration earlier this year has indicated that most users clicked on the Logs tab, while they were actually looking for the information in the Events tab, because they perceived logs as a place to find timestamp information of running tasks. This contextual issue is solved by merging these 2 tabs together under “Logs” and showing the event logs by default.

  • Machine outputs in both YAML and XML formats are still available, but in a downloadable form.
  • On successful deployment, the installation output tab will be visible and also downloadable.
  • On fail deployment, a cutrin-logs.tar file is available for download.
  • The logs will show a summary of all logs and we replaced the “load 1 more day” button with a pagination.

Making MAAS experience more cloud-like

Another mission in this cycle is to enhance MAAS experience to be more “cloud-like”. To further define our scope for “cloud-like”, the design team has created a 5-minute survey to reach out to the community on discourse to help us shape the future of MAAS experience. From here we hope it would be a good starting point for quantitative data and we will reach out to signed up volunteers to test out our prototypes with a more qualitative approach.

If you want to help us shape MAAS experience, feel free to drop some feedback on the form. We are more than happy to hear from you.

PCI device modelling

PCI device modelling is our baby step towards approaching the SmartNICs project. In this project, we want to help our users see the list of PCI devices on their machines from Intelligent Network Adapters, GPU, NVME Storage, Network cards, and other generic PCI devices. From this tab, we hope to help our users configure their PCI devices and customise their hardware in ways that are purposeful. We are still in the very early stage of figuring out how to show this information properly. Stay tuned for the up-coming designs!