MAAS UI: bi-weekly update #7

In-app new release notification

With the limitation of snap and the automatic upgrade, we want to expand our announcement channels to MAAS UI (in-app) so our users are aware of the bug fixes, security fixes, and new features in the most recent release. The up-coming version of MAAS UI will provide this announcement in app and admin users may opt out of this notification. Changes in notification settings will apply for all users in the team.

Sneak peek on our UX/UI designs:

The upcoming version will be the most simple implementation of our new release announcement in the UI. We are looking forward to growing our notification settings into something more robust! Feel free to leave us some feedback for what would be useful to notify.

CLI project

This week’s update on our UX exploration is how might we create a better experience for MAAS-CLI. We’ve noticed many usability issues in our CLI and we are looking forward to making MAAS-CLI more user friendly. If you would like to leave some feedback about your current experience regarding MAAS-CLI please leave a comment below! Or if you would like to participate in an interview/user testing session with us please fill out this form: