MAAS Rackd High Availability


I’m testing the Rackd MAAS High Availability with the following setup:

  • 1x region+rackd1 – AV DC1
  • 1x rackd2 – AV DC2
  • 1x server1 – AV DC1
  • 1x server2 – AV DC2

I have servers in both AVs. What I would expect is that every rackd manages the servers of its own AV; I meant, if I want to deploy a server that is in the AV DC1 the rackd responsible should be the rackd1 and the other way around.

But what happens is that just the rackd1 is who manages all servers (AVs DC1 and DC2) and the rackd2 only starts managing servers if I kill the rackd1 service.

Is this the expected behaviour or did I do something wrong?



Both racks in same subnets/networks together make “HA”.

If you want to control which rack controller is used, then you should have just one rack controloler per different networks/subnets/each DC.

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