Maas or maas-cli

I cannot use snap because $HOME is an NFS mount. How do I install the “maas-cli” client?

The script that I am trying to use is calling maas-cli login -p … which does not appear to be acceptable to the maas tool. So I guess my first question is, are “maas” and “maas-cli” the same thing and if not, are they both supported?

Hi @jeremy-mordkoff

Maybe you can use a deb package in that case?

Thanks. I’ll give that a try.

So maas-cli and maas are basically the same thing, just slightly different syntax? I do remember doing some python coding also way back when, I think as part of linking ansible (kubespray) to maas.

Is there a repo that has this pkg? Just to make sure it can be checked for updates.

Long time ago there was maas-cli utility but it is deprecated in favour of maas since maas (1.5+bzr1948-0ubuntu1)

  • debian/extras/maas-cli renamed to debian/extras/maas, and introduce
    a deprecation warning in favour of using maas over maas-cli.

Nowadays maas-cli is a package that will install maas CLI (which you would normally get when you install MAAS as a snap but without some subcommands that are snap specific). Also CLI subcommands availability depends if you have it installed on the controller or not.

For example the following commands are available only on the Region controller:

init           Initialize controller.
apikey         Used to manage a user's API keys. Shows existing keys unless --generate or --delete is passed.
configauth     Configure external authentication.
config-tls     Configure MAAS Region TLS.
config-vault   Configure MAAS Region Vault integration.
createadmin    Create a MAAS administrator account.
changepassword Change a MAAS user's password.

This package contains scripts from src/maascli and it has the same release cycle and versioning as MAAS.

@troyanov Where can I find the python3-maas-client pkg? I added ppa:maas/3.5 repo but it is not there.

Hm, it should be there

root@poetic-flounder:~# add-apt-repository ppa:maas/3.5
root@poetic-flounder:~# apt update
root@poetic-flounder:~# apt show python3-maas-client
Package: python3-maas-client
Version: 1:3.5.3-16341-g.7adb035d6-0ubuntu1~22.04.1
Priority: optional
Section: python
Source: maas
Maintainer: MAAS developers <>
Installed-Size: 197 kB
Depends: python3-dateutil, python3-httplib2, python3-hvac, python3-macaroonbakery (>= 1.2.1), python3-netifaces, python3-oauthlib, python3-tempita, python3-yaml, python3:any (>= 3.5~)
Conflicts: python3-googleapi
Breaks: maas-cli (<= 2.0.0~alpha4+bzr4843-0ubuntu1), python-maas-client
Replaces: maas-cli (<= 2.0.0~alpha4+bzr4843-0ubuntu1), python-maas-client
Download-Size: 70.2 kB
APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages
Description: MAAS python API client (Python 3)
 This package contains the MAAS client API Python modules.
 This package contains Python 3 modules.
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