I’m running into an issue where I want my hardware to sync every 6 hours, since I want to get any hardware updates but I don’t want to inundate my maas server with hardware updates. I set the “Default hardware sync interval (minutes)” to 360 but it looks like it errors:
Jan 29 18:04:27 101-u26 systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/maas_hardware_sync.timer:12: Failed to parse calendar specification, ignoring: --* *:00/360:00
Jan 29 18:04:27 101-u26 systemd[1]: maas_hardware_sync.timer: Timer unit lacks value setting. Refusing.
I’m guessing MaaS is trying to configure the hardware timer so the minutes are between 0 and 60; if that is the case, can someone update the UI to reflect that and/or can someone update the maas_hardware_sync.timer script so it can take values greater than 60 so we can configure hardware syncs in intervals greater than an hour?
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Hello! Thanks for the post - just to confirm, is this error showing up in the UI directly after the setting change? Or in the logfiles?
In the mean time, could you try setting it over the CLI? You can use the following command:
maas $PROFILE maas set-config hadrware_sync_interval value=6h
Thanks for the quick reply! The lines I posted are from a deployed machine in /var/log/syslog. Also, I should have said that I’m running version 3.4.6. When I try and get the config on the command line, nothing returns even though its set in the UI:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas get-config hadrware_sync_interval
'hadrware_sync_interval' is not a name=value or name@=filename pair
And it looks like the command you gave doesn’t work:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas set-config hadrware_sync_interval value=6h
'hadrware_sync_interval' is not a name=value or name@=filename pair
Ahh, looks like it needs to be:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas get-config name=hardware_sync_interval
Machine-readable output follows:
And setting it:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=hardware_sync_interval value=6h
Machine-readable output follows:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas get-config name=hardware_sync_interval
Machine-readable output follows:
I set it to 7h to see if it changed the UI and it does, it sets it to 420:
root@maasv2:~# maas $PROFILE maas get-config name=hardware_sync_interval
Machine-readable output follows:

I’ll deploy a new machine and see if the hardware sync timer works. Thanks!
Ahh, I used syntax for latest/edge MAAS, that would’ve been why the command didn’t work. Glad you’ve managed to set it though! Let me know how it goes with the new machine, and if there’s anything else I can do to help 
Looks like configuring it via the CLI worked. The systemd timer is set properly with:
OnCalendar=*-*-* 00/7:00:00
So there must be some disconnect with setting large intervals in the UI and deploying it to the systems? Thanks for your help!
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