MAAS failing to set PXE boot on UEFI nodes, need to use ipmitool

When I add one of our Supermicro UEFI nodes with “maas machines create”, it fails to PXE boot and reverts to booting to the HDD.

To force PXE booting on these nodes, I have to use “ipmitool -H $IPMI_HOST -P $IPMI_PWD chassis bootdev pxe options=persistent,efiboot”.

Is there a way to get MAAS to do this?


Nope, you have to set PXE as first entry

In that case I’ll request that this be added as another feature request. :slight_smile: It’d be nice if “maas machines create”, if given all of the IPMI info it needs to control the machine, could set PXE boot so that commissioning doesn’t fail.

I mean, whenever MAAS is powering on the machine it will set the NEXT boot to be PXE. But actually it does not persist the settings (for example if you power on the machine manually).
Re-thinking about your original question ideally it should already work. If it doesn’t, then it might be your BMC that is misbehaving or something has failed in the middle

Trying again, it looks like the “persistent” option isn’t actually needed to get these machines to boot to PXE with ipmitool, just “chassis bootdev pxe options=efiboot”.

Looks like this is a project that found a solution to PXE booting Supermicro boards using EFI via IPMI:

IPMI: Handle vendor set boot device differences · 41355d5a28 - ironic - OpenDev: Free Software Needs Free Tools

- Fixes handling of the ``ipmi`` hardware type where ``UEFI`` boot mode and
"one-time" boot to PXE has been requested.