Maas-agent waiting for enrollment token

Hi all,
I’m new to the Juju and MaaS ecosystems and have just tried to get maas-anvil going. I’m behind a corp proxy that’s tough but not terrible, so I set proxy settings using juju model-config, hope that’s the right way (if not, pls let me know).

Anyway, the bootstrap seems to have gotten through grabbing artifacts and happily iterating through all the charms up until what I think is the final piece, maas-agent, which times out, causing bootstrap command to die.

When I ask for juju status, it says
maas-agent/0* waiting idle 0 Waiting for enrollment token

So my question: How do I troubleshoot this? Where’s it trying to get this token and how may I dig deeper to find out what’s causing it to get stuck awaiting it?


P.S. Full juju status:

$ juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
controller anvil-controller maas/default 3.4.6 unsupported 13:36:24-05:00

App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message
controller active 1 juju-controller 3.4/stable 101 no
haproxy active 1 haproxy latest/stable 84 no Unit is ready
keepalived active 1 keepalived latest/stable 57 no VIP ready
maas-agent 37259 waiting 1 maas-agent 3.5/edge 12 no Waiting for enrollment token
maas-region 37259 active 1 maas-region 3.5/edge 74 no
postgresql 14.12 active 1 postgresql 14/stable 468 no

Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
controller/0* active idle 0
haproxy/0* active idle 0 80/tcp Unit is ready
keepalived/0* active idle VIP ready
maas-agent/0* waiting idle 0 Waiting for enrollment token
maas-region/0* active idle 0 53,3128,5239-5247,5250-5274,5280-5284,5443,8000/tcp 53,67,69,123,323,5241-5247/udp
postgresql/0* active idle 0 5432/tcp Primary

Machine State Address Inst id Base AZ Message
0 started manual: ubuntu@22.04 Manually provisioned machine

Hi there, could you please provide the logs for the region and agent charms (should be in /var/log/juju/unit-maas-[region,agent]-0.log)?