How to get minimum kernel data


I am try to add machine use API, but I don’t know to get minimum kernel data choices.

irfanpule, here’s a link that may help:

thank for your answer, but this is not what I need.

irfanpule, sorry, struggling a little with your question. could you restate?

I think he wants an API to get the list of available kernels


Ya, that I mean. Thank Jeremy.

irfanpule, I don’t know that answer, but I think I know who to ask! :slight_smile:
I’ll see if I can find out later today when my source is available.

The maas $PROFILE boot-resources read call will return all available resouces.

You can look up those named ubuntu/<release>.

As an example:

        "id": 1,
        "type": "Synced",
        "name": "ubuntu/bionic",
        "architecture": "amd64/ga-18.04",
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/1/",
        "subarches": "generic,hwe-p,hwe-q,hwe-r,hwe-s,hwe-t,hwe-u,hwe-v,hwe-w,ga-16.04,ga-16.10,ga-17.04,ga-17.10,ga-18.04"
        "id": 2,
        "type": "Synced",
        "name": "ubuntu/bionic",
        "architecture": "amd64/ga-18.04-lowlatency",
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/2/",
        "subarches": "generic,hwe-p,hwe-q,hwe-r,hwe-s,hwe-t,hwe-u,hwe-v,hwe-w,ga-16.04,ga-16.10,ga-17.04,ga-17.10,ga-18.04"

Thank for your answer, on API documentation that response can be get on endpoint GET /MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/.


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