*Errors or typos? Topics missing? Hard to read? Let us know.
Most of the day-to-day work of managing machines is covered here. Utilising machines to do work – for example, commissioning, testing, and deploying them – is discussed in How to deploy machines.
Add machines
In the MAAS UI, select Machines > Add hardware > Machine > fill in the form > Save machine (or Save and add another). The fields in this form are as follows:
Machine name: This field is used to identify the machine to the user. It can be set to anything, though it is often set to the MAC address of the machine in question. This field is optional, in that MAAS will assign a unique, nonsense name if you leave it blank. You can change this nonsense name later, if desired.
Domain: This field sets the domain name of the domain managed by MAAS. It can be set to anything; MAAS assigns the domain name “maas” by default.
Architecture: This field refers to the architecture of the machine being added.
Minimum Kernel: This field supplies a drop-down of possible kernels available for deployment on this machine.
Zone: This field allows you to set the availability zone, selected from AZs that you have already created (if any).
Resource pool: This field allows you to set the resource pool for this machine, selected from pools you have already created (if any).
MAC Address: You should fill in this field with the MAC address of the machine you are adding. Note that the MAC address entered here must use a colon (“:”) separator, although some MAC addresses are written with dash (“-”) separators.
Power type: You must select the power type supported by the machine you are adding, and fill in additional required fields that appear. See Power management reference for details on the available power types and the relevant parameters for each type.
To create a new machine at the command line, enter the following command:
stormrider@wintermute:~$ maas admin machines create \
> architecture=$ARCH \
> max_addresses=$MAC_ADDRESS \
> power_type=$POWER_TYPE \
> power_parameters_power_id=$POWER_ID \
> power_parameters_power_address=$POWER_ADDRESS \
> power_parameters_power_pass=$POWER_PASSWORD
When you enter the command (substituting the $...
parameters for your own particulars), the screen will pause for a moment, and then return a stream of JSON relating to the added machine.
Here’s an example with a local laptop MAAS install, using KVMs as virtual machines:
stormrider@wintermute:~$ maas admin machines create \
> architecture=amd64 \
> max_addresses=52:54:00:6f:b4:af \
> power_type=virsh \
> power_parameters_power_id=50f6cca2-5d89-43b9-941c-90c9fcd7c156 \
> power_parameters_power_address=qemu+ssh://stormrider@ \
> power_parameters_power_pass=xxxxxxx
The variable fields in the machines create
command (the $...
items) are as follows, in this example:
> architecture=$ARCH \
> mac_addresses=$MAC_ADDRESS \
> power_type=$POWER_TYPE \
> power_parameters_power_id=$POWER_ID \
> power_parameters_power_address=$POWER_ADDRESS \
> power_parameters_power_pass=$POWER_PASSWORD
: This field refers to the architecture of the machine being added,amd64
in the local laptop example. -
: This is the MAC address of the boot-enabled NIC for the machine being added. Note that the MAC address entered here must use a colon (“:”) separator, although some MAC addresses are written with dash (“-”) separators. -
: You must select the power type supported by the machine you are adding, and fill in additional required fields that appear. See Power management reference for details on the available power types and the relevant parameters for each type. In this example, we’ve used a “virsh” power type (a libvirt KVM), but your choice will depend on your hardware. -
: This is generally the UUID of the machine being added. -
: In the case of a KVM, these are the only parameters that need to be entered. See Power types^ in the API reference for details on the available power types and the relevant parameters for each type.
Add machines via chassis (UI)
You can use the chassis feature to add multiple machines at once. To do this, select Machines > Add hardware > Chassis > fill in the form > *Save…" The required fields will change based on the type of chassis you choose.
Delete USB and PCI (CLI)
Note that USB and PCI devices are not visible in MAAS 2.9 and below.
To delete PCI/USB devices from the machine in any machine state, use the following command:
maas $PROFILE node-device delete $SYSTEM_ID $DEVICE_ID
- $PROFILE = your user profile (e.g., “admin”)
- $SYSTEM_ID = the ID of the machine in question (e.g., “ngx7ry”)
- $DEVICE_ID = the ID of the device you want to delete
If the device is still present in the system, it will be recognised again (and thus “recreated”) when the machine is commissioned again.
Clone machines (MAAS 3.1 and above, UI only)
To clone machines, select Machines > choose machine > Actions > Clone from > source machine > options > Clone to machine.
Soft power off (MAAS 3.5 and above, UI only)
To power-off machines “softly” – that is, by asking the deployed OS to shut down gracefully – choose Machines > machines > Power > Soft Power Off > Confirm.
List machines
To list machines:
In the MAAS UI, select Machines.
Via the CLI, enter a command similar to this one:
maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '(["HOSTNAME","SYSID",
"SUBNET"] | (., map(length*"-"))),(.[] | [.hostname, .system_id,
.power_state, .status_name, .owner // "-",.tag_names[0] // "-",
.boot_interface.links[0].subnet.name]) | @tsv' | column -t
This will return a relatively compact machine listing:
-------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------
lxd-vm-1 r8d6yp off Deployed admin pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
lxd-vm-2 tfftrx off Allocated admin pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
lxd-vm-3 grwpwc off Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
lxd-vm-4 6s8dt4 off Deployed admin pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
lxd-vm-5 pyebgm off Allocated admin pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
lxd-vm-6 ebnww6 off New - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-1 m7ffsg off Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-2 kpawad off Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-3 r44hr6 error Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-4 s3sdkw off Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-5 48dg8m off Ready - pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
libvirt-vm-6 bacx77 on Deployed admin pod-console-logging default untagged fabric-1
View machine details
To open a detailed view of a machine’s status and configuration:
In the MAAS 3.4 UI, select Machines > .
With the UI for all other MAAS versions, select a given machine’s FQDN or MAC address.
Via the MAAS CLI, execute the following shell script:
maas admin machine read r3rd6h | jq '.' > /tmp/machine-json
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '([.hostname,.status_name,"| Power:",.power_state,"| Kernel:",.hwe_kernel,"| Owner:",.owner]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " > /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["CPU:",.architecture,"/",.cpu_count,"core(s) /",.cpu_speed,"Mhz","| Type:",.hardware_info.cpu_model]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["Memory:",.memory,"MB | Storage:",.storage,"MB | Power type:",.power_type]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["Zone:",.zone.name,"| Resource pool:",.pool.name,"| Domain:",.domain.name]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["Tags:",.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["SYSTEM Vendor:",.hardware_info.system_vendor,"| Product:",.hardware_info.system_product]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '([".......Vsn:",.hardware_info.system_version,"| Serial:",.hardware_info.system_serial]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["MAINBOARD Vendor:",.hardware_info.mainboard_vendor,"| Product:",.hardware_info.mainboard_product]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["..........Firmware:",.hardware_info.mainboard_firmware_vendor]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["..........Firmware Vsn:",.hardware_info.mainboard_firmware_version,"| Date:",.hardware_info.mainboard_firmware_date]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '(["NETWORK: Vendor:",.boot_interface.vendor]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '([".........Name:",.boot_interface.name,"| MAC:",.boot_interface.mac_address,"| Link speed:",.boot_interface.link_speed,"Mbps"]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-json | jq -r '([".........Fabric:",.boot_interface.vlan.fabric,"| MAAS DHCP:",.boot_interface.vlan.dhcp_on,"| SR-IOV:",.boot_interface.sriov_max_vf]) | @tsv' | column -t -o " " >> /tmp/machine-details
cat /tmp/machine-details
This shell script should produce output similar to the following:
merry-cobra Deployed | Power: on | Kernel: ga-20.04 | Owner: admin
CPU: amd64/generic / 1 core(s) / 1600 Mhz | Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU
Memory: 2048 MB | Storage: 8000.004096 MB | Power type: lxd
Zone: default | Resource pool: default | Domain: maas
Tags: pod-console-logging virtual
SYSTEM Vendor: QEMU | Product: Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009)
.......Vsn: pc-q35-5.2 | Serial: Unknown
MAINBOARD Vendor: Canonical Ltd. | Product: LXD
..........Firmware: EFI Development Kit II / OVMF
..........Firmware Vsn: 0.0.0 | Date: 02/06/2015
NETWORK: Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
.........Name: enp5s0 | MAC: 00:16:3e:cc:17:58 | Link speed: 0 Mbps
.........Fabric: fabric-5 | MAAS DHCP: true | SR-IOV: 0
Find network info (UI)
To find network info for a specific machine, select Machines > machine name > Network.
Find storage info (UI)
To view/edit machine storage info:
To find network info for a specific machine, select Machines > machine name > Storage.
View PCI devices (MAAS 3.4 only)
To view the list of PCI devices associated with a given machine, select Machines > machine name > PCI devices.
View USB devices (MAAS 3.4 only)
To view the list of USB devices associated with a given machine, select Machines > machine name > USB.
View commissioning logs (UI)
To view commissioning logs for a given machine, select Machines > machine name > Commissioning > View details (or View previous tests).
View test logs (UI)
To view commissioning logs for a given machine, select Machines > machine name > Test > View details (or View previous tests).
View raw log output (UI)
To view raw log output for a given machine, select Machines > machine name > Logs > Installation output.
View event logs
To view event logs for a given machine, select Machines > machine name > Logs > Download > .
View configuration info
To view configuration info for a given machine, select Machines > machine name > Configuration.
More information on power configuration will be found in the Power management section of this documentation.