How can I ask MaaS to ignore a machine and let it boot from it's hard disk

I have few machines that can’t be deployed successfully, and in some cases I want them to boot from hard disk despite the fact that image is not deployed fully in MaaS point of view.
Does MaaS have any option to ask it ignore a machine and let it boot as there’s no MaaS server.

I expect you’ll have to delete it from the list of machines and then add it back in as a device. Otherwise MAAS is going to want configured interfaces and all that so that it knows what to do with DHCP.


I wonder what is the difference between a device and a machine in MaaS definitions?
Can we install OS on device via MaaS too?

You could just disable the DHCP service temporarily :thinking:

I did the same, but it seems having a new ignore state is useful for MaaS as new feature.