⚠ GoMAASClient ownership changed


This change has already been enacted. Please do update your code!


Hey MAAS Users, Hackers. and Fans! The GoMAASClient repository is moving to the Canonical GitHub organisation and will have a new module name github.com/canonical/gomaasclient.

If you are not using GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org/cached-only or not caching modules, your development environment or CI might encounter failures when trying to retrieve the module by its old name.

If you encounter an error to the likes of:

module declares its path as: github.com/canonical/gomaasclient
        but was required as: github.com/maas/gomaasclient

Ensure you are pointing at the new module URL, which is github.com/canonical/gomaasclient.
You can use the replace directive, so you don’t have to change old imports everywhere.

:warning: We are planning to make this change on the 26th of June at 11:00 UTC :warning:

Bookmark the time, keep an eye on your automation!