Debian node deployment failures on MaaS 3.4

I wanted to pose this as a question before opening a potential bug report about this issue. I searched the forums and did not find anyone else posting about this.

Problem: All debian nodes I try to deploy via MaaS fail and it seems to be related to MaaS thinking the image is actually Ubuntu and not Debian. I say this for two reasons:

  1. In the installation log of the node I can see various references to e.g.:
E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
  1. In the end of my installation log, the actual error I receive is from - :
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 397, in install_kernel
            map_suffix = mapping[codename][version]
        KeyError: 'bookworm'

The way this file is written leads me to beleive this should only be called on older versions of Ubuntu and not for Debian (or any other type of OS.

Steps to create / reproduce this issue I do:

  • Clone the packer/maas repo:
  • cd packer-maas/debian
  • Create a debian 12 (bookworm) image make debian SERIES=bookworm Note: This image builds successfully and I can see packer reaching out to so I indeed believe this to be a Debian image not a Ubuntu image
  • copy this image to my maas server via scp
  • Add this new image to MaaS via CLI:
maas admin boot-resources create name='custom/debian-12' title='Debian 12 Custom' architecture='amd64/generic' filetype='tgz' content@=debian-custom-cloudimg.tar.gz

Note: This command comes directly from the in the debian directory within the packer-maas repo we cloned originally.

  • Deploy any node with this custom image. Deployment will start successfully and fails pretty early on in the deployment process.

Here is the full installation log if anyone would like to see anything else:

curtin: Installation started. (23.1.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.1)
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: curtin command block-meta
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.087
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda-part1({'device': 'sda', 'flag': 'bios_grub', 'id': 'sda-part1', 'number': 1, 'offset': '4194304B', 'size': '1048576B', 'type': 'partition', 'wipe': 'zero'})
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.078
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.092
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda1
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda-part2({'device': 'sda', 'id': 'sda-part2', 'name': 'sda-part2', 'number': 2, 'size': '107365793792B', 'type': 'partition', 'uuid': 'a8a75ab3-34b5-480a-9b52-e8039a71b4e8', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.097
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.091
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda2
block-meta: extracted devices to clear: ['/dev/sda', '/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2']
Declared block devices: ['/dev/sda', '/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2']
clearing devices=['/dev/sda', '/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2']
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta/clear-holders: removing previous storage devices
Running command ['mdadm', '--assemble', '--scan', '-v'] with allowed return codes [0, 1, 2] (capture=True)
mdadm assemble scan results:

mdadm: looking for devices for further assembly
mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sr0: No medium found
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/dm-4
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/dm-3
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/dm-2
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/dm-1
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/dm-0
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda2
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda1
mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/sda
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop3
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop2
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop1
mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop0
mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically

Running command ['mdadm', '--detail', '--scan', '-v'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=True)
mdadm detail scan after assemble:

Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.021
Detected multipath support, reload maps
Running command ['multipath', '-r'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Verifying /dev/mapper/mpath* files are symlinks
Running command ['dmsetup', 'ls', '-o', 'blkdevname'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
multipath: dmsetup ls output:
vg_rhel-lv_home	(dm-2)
vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp	(dm-4)
vg_rhel-lv_var_log	(dm-3)
vg_rhel-lv_root	(dm-0)
vg_rhel-lv_opt	(dm-1)

Running command ['pvscan', '--config', 'devices{ filter = [ "a|/dev/mapper/mpath.*|", "a|/dev/mapper/dm_crypt-.*|", "r|.*|" ] }'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan', '--config', 'devices{ filter = [ "a|/dev/mapper/mpath.*|", "a|/dev/mapper/dm_crypt-.*|", "r|.*|" ] }'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgchange', '--activate=y', '--config', 'devices{ filter = [ "a|/dev/mapper/mpath.*|", "a|/dev/mapper/dm_crypt-.*|", "r|.*|" ] }'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.022
Loading kernel module bcache via modprobe
Running command ['modprobe', '--use-blacklist', 'bcache'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Generating device storage trees for path(s): ['/dev/sda', '/dev/sda1', '/dev/sda2']
devname '/sys/class/block/sda' had holders: []
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
devname '/sys/class/block/sda2' had holders: ['dm-1', 'dm-4', 'dm-2', 'dm-0', 'dm-3']
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-1' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-1 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-1', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-4' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-4'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-4 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-4', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-2' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-2 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-2', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-0' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-0'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-0 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-0', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-3' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-3'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-3 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-3', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/sda1' had holders: []
devname '/sys/class/block/sda1' had holders: []
devname '/sys/class/block/sda2' had holders: ['dm-1', 'dm-4', 'dm-2', 'dm-0', 'dm-3']
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-1' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-1 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-1', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-4' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-4'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-4 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-4', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-2' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-2 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-2', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-0' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-0'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-0 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-0', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
devname '/sys/class/block/dm-3' had holders: []
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/dm-3'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/dm-3 is multipath device partition? False
Running command ['dmsetup', 'info', '/dev/dm-3', '-C', '-o', 'uuid', '--noheadings'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Current device storage tree:
|-- sda2
|   |-- dm-1
|   |-- dm-4
|   |-- dm-2
|   |-- dm-0
|   `-- dm-3
`-- sda1
|-- dm-1
|-- dm-4
|-- dm-2
|-- dm-0
`-- dm-3
Shutdown Plan:
{'level': 6, 'device': '/sys/class/block/dm-1', 'dev_type': 'lvm'}
{'level': 6, 'device': '/sys/class/block/dm-4', 'dev_type': 'lvm'}
{'level': 6, 'device': '/sys/class/block/dm-2', 'dev_type': 'lvm'}
{'level': 6, 'device': '/sys/class/block/dm-0', 'dev_type': 'lvm'}
{'level': 6, 'device': '/sys/class/block/dm-3', 'dev_type': 'lvm'}
{'level': 4, 'device': '/sys/class/block/sda2', 'dev_type': 'partition'}
{'level': 4, 'device': '/sys/class/block/sda1', 'dev_type': 'partition'}
{'level': 2, 'device': '/sys/class/block/sda', 'dev_type': 'disk'}
shutdown running on holder type: 'lvm' syspath: '/sys/class/block/dm-1'
Running command ['dmsetup', 'splitname', 'vg_rhel-lv_opt', '-c', '--noheadings', '--separator', '=', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Wiping lvm logical volume: /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt at offsets [0, -1048576]
using "lvremove" on vg_rhel/lv_opt
Running command ['lvremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_opt" successfully removed
Running command ['lvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
shutdown running on holder type: 'lvm' syspath: '/sys/class/block/dm-4'
Running command ['dmsetup', 'splitname', 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', '-c', '--noheadings', '--separator', '=', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Wiping lvm logical volume: /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp at offsets [0, -1048576]
using "lvremove" on vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
Running command ['lvremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_var_tmp" successfully removed
Running command ['lvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
shutdown running on holder type: 'lvm' syspath: '/sys/class/block/dm-2'
Running command ['dmsetup', 'splitname', 'vg_rhel-lv_home', '-c', '--noheadings', '--separator', '=', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Wiping lvm logical volume: /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home at offsets [0, -1048576]
using "lvremove" on vg_rhel/lv_home
Running command ['lvremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_home" successfully removed
Running command ['lvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
shutdown running on holder type: 'lvm' syspath: '/sys/class/block/dm-0'
Running command ['dmsetup', 'splitname', 'vg_rhel-lv_root', '-c', '--noheadings', '--separator', '=', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Wiping lvm logical volume: /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root at offsets [0, -1048576]
using "lvremove" on vg_rhel/lv_root
Running command ['lvremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_root" successfully removed
Running command ['lvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
shutdown running on holder type: 'lvm' syspath: '/sys/class/block/dm-3'
Running command ['dmsetup', 'splitname', 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log', '-c', '--noheadings', '--separator', '=', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Wiping lvm logical volume: /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log at offsets [0, -1048576]
using "lvremove" on vg_rhel/lv_var_log
Running command ['lvremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_var_log" successfully removed
Running command ['lvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,lv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvdisplay', '-C', '--separator', '=', '--noheadings', '-o', 'vg_name,pv_name'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgremove', '--force', '--force', 'vg_rhel'] with allowed return codes [0, 5] (capture=False)
  Volume group "vg_rhel" successfully removed
Wiping lvm physical volume: /dev/sda2
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/sda2: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000218 (LVM2_member): 4c 56 4d 32 20 30 30 31
wiping 1M on /dev/sda2 at offsets [0, -1048576]
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
shutdown running on holder type: 'partition' syspath: '/sys/class/block/sda2'
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "sda": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "Virtual_disk",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107374182400",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "disk",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda"
 "sda1": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda1",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:1",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda1",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "1048576",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda1"
 "sda2": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda2",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:2",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda2",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107365793792",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda2"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Checking if /dev/sda2 is a swap device
Found swap magic: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda2 is multipath device? False
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda2 is multipath device member? False
wiping superblock on /dev/sda2
wiping /dev/sda2 attempt 1/4
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/sda2 at offsets [0, -1048576]
successfully wiped device /dev/sda2 on attempt 1/4
shutdown running on holder type: 'partition' syspath: '/sys/class/block/sda1'
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "sda": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "Virtual_disk",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107374182400",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "disk",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda"
 "sda1": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda1",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:1",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda1",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "1048576",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda1"
 "sda2": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda2",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:2",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda2",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107365793792",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda2"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Checking if /dev/sda1 is a swap device
Found swap magic: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda1 is multipath device? False
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda1 is multipath device member? False
wiping superblock on /dev/sda1
wiping /dev/sda1 attempt 1/4
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/sda1 at offsets [0, -1048576]
successfully wiped device /dev/sda1 on attempt 1/4
shutdown running on holder type: 'disk' syspath: '/sys/class/block/sda'
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "sda": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "Virtual_disk",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107374182400",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "disk",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda"
 "sda1": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda1",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:1",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda1",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "1048576",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda1"
 "sda2": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda2",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:2",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda2",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107365793792",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda2"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Checking if /dev/sda is a swap device
Found swap magic: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device? False
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
wiping superblock on /dev/sda
wiping /dev/sda attempt 1/4
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
/dev/sda: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000200 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
/dev/sda: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x18fffffe00 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
/dev/sda: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x000001fe (PMBR): 55 aa
wiping 1M on /dev/sda at offsets [0, -1048576]
successfully wiped device /dev/sda on attempt 1/4
/sys/class/block/sda had partitions, issuing partition reread
Running command ['blockdev', '--rereadpt', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.119
block.sys_block_path: devname /dev/sda1 does not exist
block.sys_block_path: devname /dev/sda2 does not exist
devname '/sys/class/block/sda' had holders: []
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
/dev/sda is multipath device partition? False
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta/clear-holders: SUCCESS: removing previous storage devices
blockmeta: detected storage config, using mode=custom
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring disk: sda
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.067
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/sda at offsets [0, -1048576]
labeling device: '/dev/sda' with 'gpt' partition table
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/sda at offsets [0, -1048576]
devname '/dev/sda' had holders: []
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.051
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Cannot create disk tag udev rule for /dev/sda [id=sda], missing 'serial' or 'wwn' value
Can't find a uuid for volume: sda. Skipping dname.
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring disk: sda
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: sda-part1
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.063
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "sda": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "Virtual_disk",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107374182400",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "disk",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
sda logical_block_size_bytes: 512
adding partition 'sda-part1' to disk 'sda' (ptable: 'gpt')
partnum: 1 offset_sectors: 2048 length_sectors: 2047
Preparing partition location on disk /dev/sda
Wiping 1M on /dev/sda at offset 1048576
Running command ['sgdisk', '--new', '1:2048:4095', '--typecode=1:ef02', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device? False
Running command ['blockdev', '--rereadpt', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.256
TIMED udevadm_settle(exists='/dev/sda1'): 0.000
Wiping partition /dev/sda1 mode=zero
/dev/sda1 is 1048576 bytes. wiping with buflen=4194304
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda-part1({'device': 'sda', 'flag': 'bios_grub', 'id': 'sda-part1', 'number': 1, 'offset': '4194304B', 'size': '1048576B', 'type': 'partition', 'wipe': 'zero'})
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.159
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.168
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda1
Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/sda1'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True)
No partition-specific dname
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: sda-part1
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: sda-part2
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.136
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "sda": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "Virtual_disk",
  "NAME": "sda",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "107374182400",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "disk",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda"
 "sda1": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "sda1",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "8:1",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "sda1",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "256",
  "SIZE": "1048576",
  "STATE": "",
  "TYPE": "part",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/sda1"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
sda logical_block_size_bytes: 512
previous partition number for 'sda-part2' found to be '1'
calc_partition_info: sda1 size_sectors=2048 start_sectors=2048
adding partition 'sda-part2' to disk 'sda' (ptable: 'gpt')
partnum: 2 offset_sectors: 4096 length_sectors: 209698815
Preparing partition location on disk /dev/sda
Wiping 1M on /dev/sda at offset 2097152
Running command ['sgdisk', '--new', '2:4096:209702911', '--typecode=2:8300', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device? False
Running command ['blockdev', '--rereadpt', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.295
TIMED udevadm_settle(exists='/dev/sda2'): 0.000
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda-part2({'device': 'sda', 'id': 'sda-part2', 'name': 'sda-part2', 'number': 2, 'size': '107365793792B', 'type': 'partition', 'uuid': 'a8a75ab3-34b5-480a-9b52-e8039a71b4e8', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.179
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.219
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda2
Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition"', 'ENV{ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID}=="90c77761-54b5-443f-8617-765b48a93fde"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/sda-part2"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: sda-part2
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_volgroup: vg_rhel
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda-part2({'device': 'sda', 'id': 'sda-part2', 'name': 'sda-part2', 'number': 2, 'size': '107365793792B', 'type': 'partition', 'uuid': 'a8a75ab3-34b5-480a-9b52-e8039a71b4e8', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume sda({'grub_device': True, 'id': 'sda', 'name': 'sda', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'ptable': 'gpt', 'type': 'disk', 'wipe': 'superblock'})
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
/dev/sda is multipath device member? False
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.163
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sda'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.197
devsync happy - path /dev/sda now exists
return volume path /dev/sda2
Running command ['vgcreate', '--force', '--zero=y', '--yes', 'vg_rhel', '/dev/sda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_volgroup: vg_rhel
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_root
Running command ['lvcreate', 'vg_rhel', '--name', 'lv_root', '--zero=y', '--wipesignatures=y', '--yes', '--size', '39996882944.0B'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_root" created.
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_root({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_root', 'name': 'lv_root', 'size': '39996882944B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.062
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root
Wiping logical volume /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root mode=superblock
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root at offsets [0, -1048576]
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_root({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_root', 'name': 'lv_root', 'size': '39996882944B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.063
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="vg_rhel-lv_root"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/vg_rhel-lv_root"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_root
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_opt
Running command ['lvcreate', 'vg_rhel', '--name', 'lv_opt', '--zero=y', '--wipesignatures=y', '--yes', '--size', '19998441472.0B'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_opt" created.
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_opt({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt', 'name': 'lv_opt', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.068
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt
Wiping logical volume /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt mode=superblock
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt at offsets [0, -1048576]
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_opt({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt', 'name': 'lv_opt', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.067
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="vg_rhel-lv_opt"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/vg_rhel-lv_opt"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_opt
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_home
Running command ['lvcreate', 'vg_rhel', '--name', 'lv_home', '--zero=y', '--wipesignatures=y', '--yes', '--size', '19998441472.0B'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_home" created.
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_home({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_home', 'name': 'lv_home', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.063
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home
Wiping logical volume /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home mode=superblock
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home at offsets [0, -1048576]
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_home({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_home', 'name': 'lv_home', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.067
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="vg_rhel-lv_home"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/vg_rhel-lv_home"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_home
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_var_log
Running command ['lvcreate', 'vg_rhel', '--name', 'lv_var_log', '--zero=y', '--wipesignatures=y', '--yes', '--size', '9999220736.0B'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_var_log" created.
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_log({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log', 'name': 'lv_var_log', 'size': '9999220736B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.071
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log
Wiping logical volume /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log mode=superblock
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log at offsets [0, -1048576]
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_log({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log', 'name': 'lv_var_log', 'size': '9999220736B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.067
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="vg_rhel-lv_var_log"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/vg_rhel-lv_var_log"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_var_log
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp
Running command ['lvcreate', 'vg_rhel', '--name', 'lv_var_tmp', '--zero=y', '--wipesignatures=y', '--yes', '--size', '4999610368.0B'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
  Logical volume "lv_var_tmp" created.
Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', 'name': 'lv_var_tmp', 'size': '4999610368B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.059
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
Wiping logical volume /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp mode=superblock
Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
wiping 1M on /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp at offsets [0, -1048576]
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', 'name': 'lv_var_tmp', 'size': '4999610368B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.065
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Creating dname udev rule '['SUBSYSTEM=="block"', 'ACTION=="add|change"', 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp"', 'SYMLINK+="disk/by-dname/vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp"\n']'
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring lvm_partition: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp_format
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', 'name': 'lv_var_tmp', 'size': '4999610368B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.051
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
mkfs /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp info: {'fstype': 'xfs', 'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp_format', 'label': '', 'type': 'format', 'uuid': '2411a87d-e69d-4688-8b3d-e27e534dee09', 'volume': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp'}
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "dm-4": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "dm-4",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "253:4",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "128",
  "SIZE": "4999610368",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "lvm",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/dm-4"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-L', '', '-m', 'uuid=2411a87d-e69d-4688-8b3d-e27e534dee09', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Formated device type: lvm_partition
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp_format
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_var_log_format
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_log({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log', 'name': 'lv_var_log', 'size': '9999220736B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.062
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log
mkfs /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log info: {'fstype': 'xfs', 'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log_format', 'label': '', 'type': 'format', 'uuid': '76f15a46-e115-4ba7-b03a-c35c394b8ee6', 'volume': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log'}
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "dm-3": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "dm-3",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "253:3",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "vg_rhel-lv_var_log",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "128",
  "SIZE": "9999220736",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "lvm",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/dm-3"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-L', '', '-m', 'uuid=76f15a46-e115-4ba7-b03a-c35c394b8ee6', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Formated device type: lvm_partition
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_var_log_format
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_home_format
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_home({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_home', 'name': 'lv_home', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.063
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home
mkfs /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home info: {'fstype': 'xfs', 'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_home_format', 'label': '', 'type': 'format', 'uuid': 'ff2c1a4d-bf18-4a66-83c5-c4c28142d86f', 'volume': 'vg_rhel-lv_home'}
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "dm-2": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "dm-2",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "253:2",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "vg_rhel-lv_home",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "128",
  "SIZE": "19998441472",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "lvm",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/dm-2"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-L', '', '-m', 'uuid=ff2c1a4d-bf18-4a66-83c5-c4c28142d86f', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Formated device type: lvm_partition
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_home_format
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_opt_format
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_opt({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt', 'name': 'lv_opt', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.070
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt
mkfs /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt info: {'fstype': 'xfs', 'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt_format', 'label': '', 'type': 'format', 'uuid': '570fbb3d-435d-4017-9120-f9b10424fd1a', 'volume': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt'}
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "dm-1": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "dm-1",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "253:1",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "vg_rhel-lv_opt",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "128",
  "SIZE": "19998441472",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "lvm",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/dm-1"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-L', '', '-m', 'uuid=570fbb3d-435d-4017-9120-f9b10424fd1a', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Formated device type: lvm_partition
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_opt_format
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_root_format
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_root({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_root', 'name': 'lv_root', 'size': '39996882944B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.079
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root
mkfs /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root info: {'fstype': 'xfs', 'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_root_format', 'label': '', 'type': 'format', 'uuid': '377ed463-90cd-4ed4-8909-4c4b28651ace', 'volume': 'vg_rhel-lv_root'}
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
get_blockdev_sector_size: info:
 "dm-0": {
  "ALIGNMENT": "0",
  "DISC-ALN": "0",
  "DISC-GRAN": "0",
  "DISC-MAX": "0",
  "DISC-ZERO": "0",
  "FSTYPE": "",
  "GROUP": "disk",
  "KNAME": "dm-0",
  "LABEL": "",
  "LOG-SEC": "512",
  "MAJ:MIN": "253:0",
  "MIN-IO": "512",
  "MODE": "brw-rw----",
  "MODEL": "",
  "NAME": "vg_rhel-lv_root",
  "OPT-IO": "0",
  "OWNER": "root",
  "PHY-SEC": "512",
  "RM": "0",
  "RO": "0",
  "ROTA": "0",
  "RQ-SIZE": "128",
  "SIZE": "39996882944",
  "STATE": "running",
  "TYPE": "lvm",
  "UUID": "",
  "device_path": "/dev/dm-0"
get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512)
Running command ['mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-L', '', '-m', 'uuid=377ed463-90cd-4ed4-8909-4c4b28651ace', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Formated device type: lvm_partition
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: vg_rhel-lv_root_format
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_root_mount
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_root({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_root', 'name': 'lv_root', 'size': '39996882944B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.051
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_root
volume_path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root found slaves: ['sda2']
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname dm-0
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sda2
Running command ['mount', '-t', 'xfs', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
volspec: path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root type=lvm
info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/vg_rhel/lv_root', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/377ed463-90cd-4ed4-8909-4c4b28651ace', '/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-lv_root', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-vg_rhel-lv_root', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-LbjJh4zS9z0jTbykd3Q9jPeuTXD1Ql0H1ZpQexUpAZAT5r5X63kfztzOe6uSSJzA']
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_root_mount
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_home_mount
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_home({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_home', 'name': 'lv_home', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.055
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_home
volume_path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home found slaves: ['sda2']
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname dm-2
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sda2
Running command ['mount', '-t', 'xfs', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
volspec: path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home type=lvm
info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-uuid/ff2c1a4d-bf18-4a66-83c5-c4c28142d86f', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-LbjJh4zS9z0jTbykd3Q9jPeuTXD1Ql0HiNHe2mmYtKTVp1FGubtn8dp9KNirf2bz', '/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-lv_home', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_home', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-vg_rhel-lv_home']
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_home_mount
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_opt_mount
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_opt({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_opt', 'name': 'lv_opt', 'size': '19998441472B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.063
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt
volume_path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt found slaves: ['sda2']
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname dm-1
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sda2
Running command ['mount', '-t', 'xfs', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
volspec: path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt type=lvm
info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/vg_rhel/lv_opt', '/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-lv_opt', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-vg_rhel-lv_opt', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-LbjJh4zS9z0jTbykd3Q9jPeuTXD1Ql0HCb1ZUf110ffFwCYPhkkfusCWQZqTJapN', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/570fbb3d-435d-4017-9120-f9b10424fd1a']
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_opt_mount
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_var_log_mount
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_log({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_log', 'name': 'lv_var_log', 'size': '9999220736B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.053
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log
volume_path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log found slaves: ['sda2']
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname dm-3
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sda2
Running command ['mount', '-t', 'xfs', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/var/log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
volspec: path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log type=lvm
info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-vg_rhel-lv_var_log', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-LbjJh4zS9z0jTbykd3Q9jPeuTXD1Ql0H5IlCg0StSedbJSTbklUvcclZmnisy1x3', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_log', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/76f15a46-e115-4ba7-b03a-c35c394b8ee6', '/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-lv_var_log']
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_var_log_mount
start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp_mount
get_path_to_storage_volume for volume vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp({'id': 'vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', 'name': 'lv_var_tmp', 'size': '4999610368B', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'volgroup': 'vg_rhel'})
Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.054
devsync happy - path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp now exists
return volume path /dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp
volume_path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp found slaves: ['sda2']
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname dm-4
kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sda2
Running command ['mount', '-t', 'xfs', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/var/tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
volspec: path=/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp type=lvm
info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', '/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp', '/dev/vg_rhel/lv_var_tmp', '/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-LVM-LbjJh4zS9z0jTbykd3Q9jPeuTXD1Ql0HsfF6HPD7AmhnBArkB3DklFDljXzO5dLE', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/2411a87d-e69d-4688-8b3d-e27e534dee09']
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: vg_rhel-lv_var_tmp_mount
finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: curtin command block-meta
start: cmd-install/stage-network/builtin/cmd-net-meta: curtin command net-meta
net-meta mode is 'custom'.  devices=[]
writing to file /tmp/tmpzk179jqj/state/network_config with network config: network:
        macaddress: 00:50:56:be:1b:c8
      mtu: 1500
        - maas
      set-name: eth0
  version: 2

finish: cmd-install/stage-network/builtin/cmd-net-meta: SUCCESS: curtin command net-meta
start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: curtin command extract
Installing sources: [{'type': 'tgz', 'uri': ''}] to target at /tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target
start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: acquiring and extracting image from
Running command ['tar', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['sh', '-cf', 'wget "$1" --progress=dot:mega -O - |smtar -C "$2" --xattrs --xattrs-include=* -Sxpf - --numeric-owner', '--', '', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
--2024-02-06 14:21:57--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 422794221 (403M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

     0K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  0% 19.6M 20s
  3072K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  1% 60.7M 13s
  6144K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  2% 41.7M 12s
  9216K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  2% 28.6M 12s
 12288K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  3% 38.8M 12s
 15360K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  4% 62.9M 11s
 18432K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  5% 61.6M 10s
 21504K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  5% 58.0M 10s
 24576K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  6% 60.9M 9s
 27648K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  7% 60.8M 9s
 30720K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  8% 60.5M 8s
 33792K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  8% 66.5M 8s
 36864K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........  9% 64.0M 8s
 39936K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 10% 64.8M 8s
 43008K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 11% 64.2M 7s
 46080K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 11% 49.3M 7s
 49152K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 12% 23.7M 8s
 52224K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 13% 23.8M 8s
 55296K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 14% 24.7M 8s
 58368K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 14% 24.7M 9s
 61440K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 15% 23.2M 9s
 64512K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 16% 23.4M 9s
 67584K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 17% 23.3M 9s
 70656K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 17% 24.4M 9s
 73728K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 18% 24.9M 9s
 76800K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 19% 25.6M 9s
 79872K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 20% 12.8M 10s
 82944K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 20% 42.2M 10s
 86016K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 21% 30.4M 10s
 89088K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 22% 28.6M 10s
 92160K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 23% 26.1M 10s
 95232K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 23% 24.4M 10s
 98304K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 24% 25.0M 10s
101376K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 25% 27.4M 10s
104448K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 26% 22.8M 10s
107520K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 26% 28.0M 9s
110592K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 27% 25.9M 9s
113664K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 28% 22.1M 9s
116736K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 29% 12.9M 10s
119808K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 29% 29.6M 10s
122880K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 30% 31.5M 9s
125952K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 31% 28.8M 9s
129024K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 31% 52.2M 9s
132096K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 32% 45.6M 9s
135168K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 33% 38.1M 9s
138240K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 34% 35.8M 9s
141312K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 34% 33.9M 9s
144384K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 35% 24.9M 9s
147456K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 36% 26.6M 8s
150528K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 37% 27.8M 8s
153600K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 37% 27.6M 8s
156672K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 38% 19.6M 8s
159744K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 39% 29.4M 8s
162816K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 40% 26.8M 8s
165888K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 40% 28.8M 8s
168960K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 41% 34.4M 8s
172032K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 42% 16.2M 8s
175104K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 43% 15.9M 8s
178176K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 43% 18.9M 8s
181248K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 44% 32.0M 8s
184320K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 45% 19.6M 8s
187392K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 46% 39.2M 8s
190464K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 46% 23.0M 7s
193536K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 47% 32.1M 7s
196608K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 48% 27.8M 7s
199680K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 49% 30.9M 7s
202752K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 49% 33.7M 7s
205824K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 50% 31.6M 7s
208896K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 51% 29.6M 7s
211968K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 52% 31.7M 7s
215040K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 52% 29.8M 7s
218112K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 53% 26.4M 7s
221184K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 54% 25.3M 6s
224256K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 55% 29.7M 6s
227328K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 55% 34.6M 6s
230400K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 56% 33.1M 6s
233472K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 57% 31.7M 6s
236544K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 58% 28.2M 6s
239616K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 58% 28.2M 6s
242688K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 59% 20.9M 6s
245760K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 60% 19.8M 6s
248832K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 61% 29.8M 5s
251904K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 61% 28.9M 5s
254976K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 62% 30.1M 5s
258048K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 63% 31.1M 5s
261120K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 63% 28.2M 5s
264192K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 64% 30.8M 5s
267264K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 65% 29.5M 5s
270336K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 66% 16.8M 5s
273408K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 66% 15.6M 5s
276480K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 67% 22.6M 5s
279552K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 68% 23.6M 5s
282624K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 69% 25.0M 4s
285696K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 69% 23.0M 4s
288768K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 70% 23.3M 4s
291840K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 71% 22.3M 4s
294912K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 72% 20.8M 4s
297984K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 72% 25.7M 4s
301056K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 73% 26.4M 4s
304128K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 74% 19.1M 4s
307200K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 75% 23.1M 4s
310272K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 75% 21.9M 4s
313344K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 76% 26.1M 3s
316416K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 77% 26.3M 3s
319488K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 78% 26.3M 3s
322560K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 78% 18.9M 3s
325632K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 79% 20.5M 3s
328704K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 80% 24.1M 3s
331776K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 81% 25.2M 3s
334848K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 81% 24.5M 3s
337920K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 82% 25.9M 3s
340992K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 83% 26.3M 2s
344064K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 84% 24.0M 2s
347136K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 84% 16.9M 2s
350208K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 85% 23.4M 2s
353280K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 86% 19.8M 2s
356352K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 87% 15.5M 2s
359424K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 87% 21.3M 2s
362496K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 88% 20.7M 2s
365568K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 89% 20.2M 2s
368640K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 90% 26.2M 2s
371712K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 90% 23.9M 1s
374784K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 91% 17.3M 1s
377856K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 92% 24.6M 1s
380928K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 93% 22.1M 1s
384000K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 93% 23.4M 1s
387072K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 94% 21.6M 1s
390144K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 95% 24.1M 1s
393216K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 95% 18.6M 1s
396288K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 96% 30.8M 1s
399360K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 97% 29.7M 0s
402432K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 98% 22.8M 0s
405504K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 98% 29.5M 0s
408576K ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 99% 21.4M 0s
411648K ........ ........ ...                                100% 23.5M=15s

2024-02-06 14:22:12 (26.1 MB/s) - written to stdout [422794221/422794221]

finish: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: SUCCESS: acquiring and extracting image from
Applying write_files from config.
finish: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: SUCCESS: curtin command extract
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks
Running curtin builtin curthooks
Configuring target system for distro: debian osfamily: debian
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt
Transferred {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'} into new format: {'preserve_sources_list': False, 'sources_list': 'deb $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n', 'debconf_selections': {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'}}
curthooks handling apt to target /tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target with config {'preserve_sources_list': False, 'sources_list': 'deb $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n', 'debconf_selections': {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'}}
Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
got primary mirror: None
got security mirror: None
Apt Mirror info: {'PRIMARY': '', 'SECURITY': '', 'MIRROR': ''}
Applying debconf selections
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'debconf-set-selections'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
unconfiguring cloud-init
cleaning cloud-init config from: ['/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg']
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-reconfigure', '--frontend=noninteractive', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--show', '--showformat', '${Version}', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Set preserve_sources_list to True in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/curtin-preserve-sources.cfg with: {'apt': {'preserve_sources_list': True}}
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Diverting original update-initramfs in target.
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled'
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.025
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['lvm2', 'lvm2', 'xfsprogs']
Skipping install of {'ifenslave', 'vlan', 'bridge-utils'}.  Not needed on netplan system.
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service
start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--codename', '--short'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Couldn't detect kernel package to install for 5.4.0-170-generic.
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
Err:5 bookworm Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:7 bookworm-security Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Reading package lists...
E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
try 0: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
Err:5 bookworm Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:7 bookworm-security Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Reading package lists...
E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
try 1: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
Err:5 bookworm Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:7 bookworm-security Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Reading package lists...
E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
try 2: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
Err:5 bookworm Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:7 bookworm-security Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
Reading package lists...
E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.012
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel
finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 397, in install_kernel
    map_suffix = mapping[codename][version]
KeyError: 'bookworm'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main
    ret = args.func(args)
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 1918, in curthooks
    builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state)
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 1752, in builtin_curthooks
    install_kernel(cfg, target)
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 402, in install_kernel
  File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 362, in install
    distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env)
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 526, in install_packages
    return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target,
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 306, in run_apt_command
    apt_update(target, env=env, comment=' '.join(cmd))
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 268, in apt_update
    inchroot.subp(update_cmd, env=env, retries=retries)
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 792, in subp
    return subp(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 280, in subp
    return _subp(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/curtin/curtin/", line 144, in _subp
    raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err,
curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.
Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update']
Exit code: 100
Reason: -
Stdout: ''
Stderr: ''
Unexpected error while running command.
Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update']
Exit code: 100
Reason: -
Stdout: ''
Stderr: ''
curtin: Installation failed with exception: Unexpected error while running command.
Command: ['curtin', 'curthooks']
Exit code: 3
Reason: -
Stdout: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks
        Running curtin builtin curthooks
        Configuring target system for distro: debian osfamily: debian
        start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt
        Transferred {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'} into new format: {'preserve_sources_list': False, 'sources_list': 'deb $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n', 'debconf_selections': {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'}}
        curthooks handling apt to target /tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target with config {'preserve_sources_list': False, 'sources_list': 'deb $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-updates multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-security multiverse restricted main universe\ndeb $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n# deb-src $RELEASE-backports multiverse restricted main universe\n', 'debconf_selections': {'grub2': 'grub2   grub2/update_nvram  boolean false', 'maas': 'cloud-init   cloud-init/datasources  multiselect MAAS\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-url  string\ncloud-init   cloud-init/maas-metadata-credentials  string oauth_consumer_key=RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL&oauth_token_key=nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3&oauth_token_secret=24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\ncloud-init   cloud-init/local-cloud-config  string manage_etc_hosts: true\\nmanual_cache_clean: true\\nreporting:\\n  maas:\\n    consumer_key: RBLzVFhKKAZLZ5USkL\\n    endpoint:\\n    token_key: nWc5vfAwacLppchVY3\\n    token_secret: 24WdfzYUYN2WjTDQrEXkSGrN2PmG5k8m\\n    type: webhook\\n\n'}}
        Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        got primary mirror: None
        got security mirror: None
        Apt Mirror info: {'PRIMARY': '', 'SECURITY': '', 'MIRROR': ''}
        Applying debconf selections
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'debconf-set-selections'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        unconfiguring cloud-init
        cleaning cloud-init config from: ['/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg']
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-reconfigure', '--frontend=noninteractive', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--show', '--showformat', '${Version}', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Set preserve_sources_list to True in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/curtin-preserve-sources.cfg with: {'apt': {'preserve_sources_list': True}}
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Diverting original update-initramfs in target.
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled'
        Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.025
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['lvm2', 'lvm2', 'xfsprogs']
        Skipping install of {'ifenslave', 'vlan', 'bridge-utils'}.  Not needed on netplan system.
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages
        start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service
        start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service
        start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'lsb_release', '--codename', '--short'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
        Couldn't detect kernel package to install for 5.4.0-170-generic.
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
        Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
        Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
        Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
        Err:5 bookworm Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:7 bookworm-security Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Reading package lists...
        E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
        try 0: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
        Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
        Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
        Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
        Err:5 bookworm Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:7 bookworm-security Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Reading package lists...
        E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
        try 1: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
        Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
        Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
        Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
        Err:5 bookworm Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:7 bookworm-security Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Reading package lists...
        E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
        try 2: command ['apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] failed, rc: 100
        Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Ign:1 bookworm InRelease
        Ign:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
        Ign:3 bookworm-security InRelease
        Ign:4 bookworm-backports InRelease
        Err:5 bookworm Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:6 bookworm-updates Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:7 bookworm-security Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Err:8 bookworm-backports Release
          404  Not Found [IP: 80]
        Reading package lists...
        E: The repository ' bookworm Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-updates Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-security Release' does not have a Release file.
        E: The repository ' bookworm-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
        Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.012
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel
        finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 397, in install_kernel
            map_suffix = mapping[codename][version]
        KeyError: 'bookworm'
        During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main
            ret = args.func(args)
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 1918, in curthooks
            builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state)
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 1752, in builtin_curthooks
            install_kernel(cfg, target)
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 402, in install_kernel
          File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 362, in install
            distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env)
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 526, in install_packages
            return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target,
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 306, in run_apt_command
            apt_update(target, env=env, comment=' '.join(cmd))
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 268, in apt_update
            inchroot.subp(update_cmd, env=env, retries=retries)
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 792, in subp
            return subp(*args, **kwargs)
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 280, in subp
            return _subp(*args, **kwargs)
          File "/curtin/curtin/", line 144, in _subp
            raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err,
        curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.
        Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update']
        Exit code: 100
        Reason: -
        Stdout: ''
        Stderr: ''
        Unexpected error while running command.
        Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpzk179jqj/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list', '--option=Dir::Etc::sourceparts=/tmp/tmpa9trq_30/sources.list.d', 'update']
        Exit code: 100
        Reason: -
        Stdout: ''
        Stderr: ''
Stderr: ''


not sure whether you forgot to mention it in your instructions, but deploying Debian images require a custom preseed file, as mentioned in the README.

This step is really important and should prevent the errors you are seeing.

You are correct I missed that in the README - Will give it a shot and report back. Thanks!!

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