Setting up a “Virtual MAAS” Test Environment
It can be useful to setup MAAS with KVM for testing and evaluation. This guide will walk you through the process of doing this.
$ sudo apt install libvirt-bin qemu-kvm cpu-checker
$ sudo snap install lxd
Verify KVM hardware acceleration is available on your local machine.
$ kvm-ok
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used
Create a LXC Container with KVM
Create a LXC profile that we can reuse in the future if needed. This profile
enables KVM hardware acceleration in the container and installs libvirt in the container.
$ lxc profile create kvm
$ cat <<EOF | lxc profile edit kvm
user.user-data: |
package_upgrade: true
packages: [libvirt-bin, qemu-kvm, cpu-checker, libvirt-clients, jq]
- cat /dev/zero | ssh-keygen -q -N ""
- cat /root/.ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
description: Provide access to /dev/kvm in the container, for hardware accelleration
gid: "1001"
major: "10"
minor: "232"
path: /dev/kvm
type: unix-char
name: kvm
used_by: []
Now we have created the profile we can launch an instance with it and wait for
the cloud-config to complete.
$ lxc launch ubuntu:bionic bionic-maas-kvm -p default -p kvm
$ lxc exec bionic-maas-kvm -- cloud-init status --wait
Connect to the container
The following steps should all be completed within the container. Start up a
bash shell.
$ lxc shell bionic-maas-kvm
Setup a virsh maas network
We need to setup a network for MAAS to manage within the container, we will do this with virsh.
$ cat << EOF > maas.xml
<forward mode="nat"/>
<bridge name="maas" stp="off" delay="0"/>
<ip address="" netmask=""/>
$ virsh net-define maas.xml;
$ virsh net-start maas;
$ virsh net-autostart maas;
$ rm maas.xml
Install MAAS snap
Next we need to install the MAAS snap and use the init command to create a database and then create a admin user.
$ snap install --channel=2.7 maas
$ maas init
Copy the SSH keys
MAAS connects to the KVM host via ssh. We need to copy the SSH keys so MAAS can
access them.
$ cp -r /root/.ssh/ /var/snap/maas/current/root/.ssh
Open the UI
To login the UI, open http://$CONTAINER_IP:5240/MAAS/r/
You can skip the ssh key importing.
Enable DHCP
On the subnets tab click untagged next to the subnet defined in maas.xml,
and enable DHCP.
Add the KVM host
On the KVM tab click ‘Add KVM’ and use the address qemu+ssh://root@
You should now have a KVM added and you can create virtual machines and use
them within MAAS.