Contributing to MAAS source


I understand MAAS don’t accept Merge requests on Github.
What would be the best way to provide some patches / updates for MAAS ?

I would like to provide a fix for Bug #2069059 “Ubuntu 24.04 doesn't deploy on any ARM64 machine” : Bugs : MAAS


The code lives here Git : Code : MAAS

And I suggest to look at HACKING.rst

Thanks @r00ta

I have pushed my changes here - ~rathore4u/maas - [no description] but not sure how to submit it for review / merging.


you can do it here .

However it’s required to implement unit tests and run the entire test suite locally to check if you broke anything (you’d better do it locally because you won’t be able to see the output of the internal pipeline with the test run)

Also, a manual e2e is required for such a change.

Last but not least, you have to sign the CLA Contributor licence agreement | Ubuntu

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Thanks for the details.

I have now submitted a MP and signed the CLA

MP - Merge into 3.5 : fix/LP2069059 : lp:~rathore4u/maas : Git : Code : MAAS


As an enhancement, maybe it will be helpful if the build log is posted to some pastebin service maybe like

That would allow contributors like me to see the log and figure out whats going wrong.

Yeah I know. Unfortunately given the very few amount of community contributions we get we don’t have capacity to improve that right now.

However that pipeline is not doing anything fancy. All it does is

make lint
make test

So you should easily check it by yourself locally before pushing the commit

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Thanks for confirming.

TBH, I had issues setting up my dev environment as I am running 24.04.
Using a 22.04 docker container but things aren’t 100% as expected.


If you guys think of implementing the pastebin thingy I just tried

make lint 2>&1 | tee build.log
make test 2>&1 | tee -a build.log

URL=$(cat build.log | nc 9999)

echo "Build log url : $URL"

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