Commissioning locked me out of IMM2

Hello, I am new to MAAS.

While I was attempting to commission my first machine (IBM x3650 M4) I used the IPMI Power configuration as the machine has a built in IMM2. To debug issues I used my only admin account to my IMM2. After much debugging of the DHCP and vlan I finally got the machine to commission!

The problem is that when trying to log back in to the IMM2 to verify what settings worked, I could no longer log in. The password that I had been using has been changed during the commissioning. (I’m guessing this was the skip BMC option for commissioning that I didn’t check).

Does anyone know how I can change or reset the password back to what it was via the CLI or GUI?

MAAS 3.5 installed via snap.


I’d suggest to use the CLI to get the password and login with these credentials

maas <role> machine power-parameters <system_id>

you can get the system_id of the machine by running

maas <role> machines read

identify the problematic machine and inspect the response


To add one thing, I assumed maas cli was just snap executable but its actually the API. I needed to run the following to get access to the CLI.

maas login maas_username http://<maas_domain>:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/

Then you will be prompted for your API key.

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