Cli - Download Ubuntu Release

I’m trying to add a new Ubuntu release on MAAS (Noble) using the CLI.

I used these commands:

maas admin boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="noble" arches="amd64" labels="*"
maas admin boot-resources import

But it wasn’t successful. Any help?

Please see when you open a new thread. Without additional information it’s impossible to triage this

Please do follow R00ta’s advice before proceeding further, as it’s difficult to ascertain what’s wrong

First observations however, I notice you didn’t specify any sub arches in your command? When creating OS images I usually use the form:
`maas $profile boot-source-selections create $id os=$os release=$release arches=$arch1 arches=$arch2 subarches=* labels=*

Sorry for not providing much context again…

I want to try doing the same thing I can do in the frontend using the CLI.

So, I tried to use these commands:

maas admin boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="noble" arches="amd64" labels="*"
maas admin boot-resources import

To get the boot source ID, I used the command:

maas admin boot-sources read

It returns 1.

To fill in all the other fields, I read from boot-sources-selections and copied the same values from “jammy.”

Then I ran the command I mentioned in the first post.

However, while writing this post, I tested the command you suggested (adding subarches=“*”) without success.

Output log:

maas admin boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="noble" arches="amd64" labels="*" subarches="*"
Machine-readable output follows:
    "os": "ubuntu",
    "release": "noble",
    "arches": [
    "subarches": [
    "labels": [
    "boot_source_id": 1,
    "id": 3,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-sources/1/selections/3/"
root@maas-regiond01:/etc/ansible/facts.d# maas admin boot-resources import
Machine-readable output follows:
Import of boot resources started

Ohhh, it works! It was just a matter of adding the subarch!

While I was writing the answer, I didn’t get any feedback about the download… but after some time, the release was listed.

Thanks, and sorry again for the lack of context.

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No worries, glad you’ve solved it!