CLI DHCP snippet management (snap/2.7/CLI)

This document presents a list of DHCP snippet management tasks that you can perform with the MAAS CLI.

Quick questions you may have:

Create a snippet

When you create a snippet, MAAS enables it by default.

To create a global snippet:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippets create name=$DHCP_SNIPPET_NAME \

To create a subnet snippet:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippets create name=$DHCP_SNIPPET_NAME \

You can also specify subnets in CIDR format.

To create a node snippet:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippets create name=$DHCP_SNIPPET_NAME \

You can also use a hostname instead of the node ID.

List snippets

To list all snippets (and their characteristics) in the MAAS:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippets read

To list a specific snippet:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippet read id=$DHCP_SNIPPET_ID

The snippet name can also be used instead of its ID:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippet read name=$DHCP_SNIPPET_NAME

Update a snippet

Update a snippet attribute:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippet update $DHCP_SNIPPET_ID <option=value>

You can also use a snippet name instead of its ID.

Enable or disable a snippet

Enabling and disabling a snippet is considered a snippet update and is done via a boolean option (‘true’ or ‘false’). You can disable a snippet like this:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippet update $DHCP_SNIPPET_ID enabled=false

When you disable a snippet, MAAS removes the text you added to the dhcpd.conf file when you created the snippet.

Delete a snippet

To delete a snippet:

maas $PROFILE dhcpsnippet delete $DHCP_SNIPPET_ID

You can also use a snippet name in place of its ID.