Hey there!
Any reason you guys can think of that MAAS>Take action>Deploy CentOS 7 would produce different results than juju add-machine --base centos@7?
The machine fails (30min timeout) if I use Juju, but succeeds normally from the MAAS GUI.
This machine has an XFS partition in addition to the root EXT4, and if I remove that XFS partition it works from both sides…
I get the same issue if I have commissioning OS set to 22.04, so I think somehow Juju is overriding the commissioning OS when it requests the deploy o_O?
Hey r00ta,
Ahh gotcha. Yeah I have a parallel conversation on the Juju Mattermost, but they were hoping to see the cloud-init-output.log, but since it’s not finishing deployment and it’s got an old BMC with only Java KVM on a weird port, I can’t get access to it as I’m remote… Trying to get a network exception.
haha, off-topic, your username reminds me of an old friend I lost contact with, but missed talking with.