unable to upload OS with boot resources api.
Getting 413 error.
Tried to modify nginx.conf file to increase client_max_body parameter but unable to edit that nginx.conf file.
Curl command used—
curl --location ‘http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/ ’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Accept: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=“xLjURY47cRy6Fmx7Rc”,oauth_token=“nsGBtwT5bLTKbH2M25”,oauth_signature_method=“PLAINTEXT”,oauth_timestamp=“1725524095”,oauth_nonce=“ETy9fH90iS9”,oauth_version=“1.0”,oauth_signature=“%266NLF3hyh2jkj84skLZdADuvVmXCJU44y”’
–form ‘content@=@“/home/images/vmware-esxi-8.0U3_V1.0.dd.gz”’
–form ‘name=“esxi/8.0u3”’
–form ‘architecture=“amd64/generic”’
–form ‘filetype=“ddgz”’
–form ‘title=“VMware ESXi 8.0U3-2”’
–form ‘size=“758923583”’
–form ‘sha256=“3af8c42dbd3b9833c17aaf37e2c32d952b33148e1f7d2c8e87c69c81aad12d2b”’
Response: status : 413
7 September 2024 13:18
Not able to increase client_max_body in nginx.conf from canonical maas environment which is installed by snap.
9 September 2024 06:09
You have to upload the image in chunks
I have already shared the curl command to upload boot resources which takes image as a chunk and getting status of 413 that entity is too large.
what config changes needs to from canonical maas environment?
or do i need to modify the curl command which will work for custom image upload as boot resource in canonical maas?
9 September 2024 06:57
Well the content type is actually wrong and your command is not uploading the image in chunks. See maas/src/maascli/actions/boot_resources_create.py at master · canonical/maas · GitHub for a reference implementation
As per your suggestion invoked the curl command with modified content type as octet-stream but getting same error 413 entity is too large.
curl --location ‘http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/ ’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/octet-stream’
–header ‘Accept: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=“xLjURY47cRy6Fmx7Rc”,oauth_token=“nsGBtwT5bLTKbH2M25”,oauth_signature_method=“PLAINTEXT”,oauth_timestamp=“1725865789”,oauth_nonce=“N4oeVPDw9c2”,oauth_version=“1.0”,oauth_signature=“%266NLF3hyh2jkj84skLZdADuvVmXCJU44y”’
–form ‘content=@“/home/images/vmware-esxi-8.0U3_V1.0.dd.gz”’
–form ‘name=“esxi/8.0u3-1x”’
–form ‘architecture=“amd64/generic”’
–form ‘filetype=“ddgz”’
–form ‘title=“VMware ESXi 8.0U3-1x”’
–form ‘size=“758923583”’
–form ‘sha256=“3af8c42dbd3b9833c17aaf37e2c32d952b33148e1f7d2c8e87c69c81aad12d2b”’
–form ‘base_image=“esxi8.0.U3-1x”’
413 Request Entity Too Large
413 Request Entity Too Large
nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
9 September 2024 11:38
still, that’s not a chunked request.
Please provide a example of curl message which accept chunked request.
While invoking boot resources api from postman, in the header it’s passed Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br as a default value as header.
9 September 2024 21:13
You need something like
CHUNK_SIZE=$((4 * 1024 * 1024)) # 4MB
file_size=$(stat --format="%s" "$file_path")
file_sha256=$(sha256sum "$file_path" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
response=$(curl -X POST "http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/" \
-H "Authorization: OAuth oauth_version=1.0, oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT, oauth_consumer_key=w2Ubk7Dc67XurxtpZf, oauth_token=sx6ut9CBZMKdN3qrfz, oauth_signature=&fvgKG5Kfz6rPB5MUfBsmTbMtSX9gYjrD, oauth_nonce=$(uuidgen), oauth_timestamp=$(date +%s)" \
-F "size=$file_size" \
-F "sha256=$file_sha256" \
-F "name=rhel/9-custom" \
-F "title=RHEL 9 Custom" \
-F "architecture=amd64/generic" \
-F "filetype=tgz")
upload_uri=$(jq -r '.sets | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | reverse | .[0].value.files | to_entries | .[0].value.upload_uri' <<< "$response")
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
split -b $CHUNK_SIZE "$file_path" "$tmp_dir/chunk_"
for chunk in "$tmp_dir"/chunk_*; do
response=$(curl -X PUT http://localhost:5240$upload_uri \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
-H "Content-Length: $(stat --format="%s" "$chunk")" \
-H "Authorization: OAuth oauth_version=1.0, oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT, oauth_consumer_key=w2Ubk7Dc67XurxtpZf, oauth_token=sx6ut9CBZMKdN3qrfz, oauth_signature=&fvgKG5Kfz6rPB5MUfBsmTbMtSX9gYjrD, oauth_nonce=$(uuidgen), oauth_timestamp=$(date +%s)" \
--data-binary @"$chunk" \
--write-out "%{http_code}" --silent --output /dev/null)
if [[ "$response" -ne 200 ]]; then
echo "Upload failed with status code $response"
rm -r "$tmp_dir"
exit 1
rm "$chunk"
rm -r "$tmp_dir"
echo "Upload complete!"
adjust it according to your credentials and files.