Canonical maas upload boot resource API gives 413 Request entity is too large from postman

unable to upload OS with boot resources api.
Getting 413 error.
Tried to modify nginx.conf file to increase client_max_body parameter but unable to edit that nginx.conf file.

Curl command used—
curl --location ‘http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Accept: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=“xLjURY47cRy6Fmx7Rc”,oauth_token=“nsGBtwT5bLTKbH2M25”,oauth_signature_method=“PLAINTEXT”,oauth_timestamp=“1725524095”,oauth_nonce=“ETy9fH90iS9”,oauth_version=“1.0”,oauth_signature=“%266NLF3hyh2jkj84skLZdADuvVmXCJU44y”’
–form ‘content@=@“/home/images/vmware-esxi-8.0U3_V1.0.dd.gz”’
–form ‘name=“esxi/8.0u3”’
–form ‘architecture=“amd64/generic”’
–form ‘filetype=“ddgz”’
–form ‘title=“VMware ESXi 8.0U3-2”’
–form ‘size=“758923583”’
–form ‘sha256=“3af8c42dbd3b9833c17aaf37e2c32d952b33148e1f7d2c8e87c69c81aad12d2b”’

Response: status : 413

See How to increase client_max_body in nginx.conf? - #2 by r00ta

Not able to increase client_max_body in nginx.conf from canonical maas environment which is installed by snap.

You have to upload the image in chunks

I have already shared the curl command to upload boot resources which takes image as a chunk and getting status of 413 that entity is too large.

what config changes needs to from canonical maas environment?
or do i need to modify the curl command which will work for custom image upload as boot resource in canonical maas?

Well the content type is actually wrong and your command is not uploading the image in chunks. See maas/src/maascli/actions/ at master · canonical/maas · GitHub for a reference implementation

As per your suggestion invoked the curl command with modified content type as octet-stream but getting same error 413 entity is too large.

curl --location ‘http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/
–header ‘Content-Type: application/octet-stream’
–header ‘Accept: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=“xLjURY47cRy6Fmx7Rc”,oauth_token=“nsGBtwT5bLTKbH2M25”,oauth_signature_method=“PLAINTEXT”,oauth_timestamp=“1725865789”,oauth_nonce=“N4oeVPDw9c2”,oauth_version=“1.0”,oauth_signature=“%266NLF3hyh2jkj84skLZdADuvVmXCJU44y”’
–form ‘content=@“/home/images/vmware-esxi-8.0U3_V1.0.dd.gz”’
–form ‘name=“esxi/8.0u3-1x”’
–form ‘architecture=“amd64/generic”’
–form ‘filetype=“ddgz”’
–form ‘title=“VMware ESXi 8.0U3-1x”’
–form ‘size=“758923583”’
–form ‘sha256=“3af8c42dbd3b9833c17aaf37e2c32d952b33148e1f7d2c8e87c69c81aad12d2b”’
–form ‘base_image=“esxi8.0.U3-1x”’


413 Request Entity Too Large

413 Request Entity Too Large

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

still, that’s not a chunked request.

Please provide a example of curl message which accept chunked request.

While invoking boot resources api from postman, in the header it’s passed Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br as a default value as header.

You need something like



CHUNK_SIZE=$((4 * 1024 * 1024))  # 4MB

file_size=$(stat --format="%s" "$file_path")
file_sha256=$(sha256sum "$file_path" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)

response=$(curl -X POST "http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/2.0/boot-resources/" \
     -H "Authorization: OAuth oauth_version=1.0, oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT, oauth_consumer_key=w2Ubk7Dc67XurxtpZf, oauth_token=sx6ut9CBZMKdN3qrfz, oauth_signature=&fvgKG5Kfz6rPB5MUfBsmTbMtSX9gYjrD, oauth_nonce=$(uuidgen), oauth_timestamp=$(date +%s)" \
     -F "size=$file_size" \
     -F "sha256=$file_sha256" \
     -F "name=rhel/9-custom" \
     -F "title=RHEL 9 Custom" \
     -F "architecture=amd64/generic" \
     -F "filetype=tgz")

upload_uri=$(jq -r '.sets | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | reverse | .[0].value.files | to_entries | .[0].value.upload_uri' <<< "$response")

tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)

split -b $CHUNK_SIZE "$file_path" "$tmp_dir/chunk_"

for chunk in "$tmp_dir"/chunk_*; do
  response=$(curl -X PUT http://localhost:5240$upload_uri \
       -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
       -H "Content-Length: $(stat --format="%s" "$chunk")" \
       -H "Authorization: OAuth oauth_version=1.0, oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT, oauth_consumer_key=w2Ubk7Dc67XurxtpZf, oauth_token=sx6ut9CBZMKdN3qrfz, oauth_signature=&fvgKG5Kfz6rPB5MUfBsmTbMtSX9gYjrD, oauth_nonce=$(uuidgen), oauth_timestamp=$(date +%s)" \
       --data-binary @"$chunk" \
       --write-out "%{http_code}" --silent --output /dev/null)

  if [[ "$response" -ne 200 ]]; then
      echo "Upload failed with status code $response"
      rm -r "$tmp_dir"
      exit 1
  rm "$chunk"

rm -r "$tmp_dir"

echo "Upload complete!"

adjust it according to your credentials and files.