Cannot delete machine

I had a machine in MAAS which I deployed. After deployment, I manually installed maas-rack-controller and pointed it to the Region Controller, so a new rack appeared.
Then I configured this rack controller as secondary rack controller for a VLAN.

Finally, I tried to delete this new rack controller and came across this error in the CLI:

You probably need to unset the rack as secondary for the VLAN first.

The error message should be better in this case. Would you mind filing a bug about it?

How to unset the rack as secondary for the VLAN ?

@maristelsk from the “Subnets” tab, select the corresponding VLAN, click edit and set the secondary rack to none.

maas version :2.9.2 Can not find the action to set rack to NULL.
I try to update vlan with cli . like maas admin vlan update 28 0 primary_rack="" maas admin vlan update 28 0 secondary_rack=""
It’s work!!!
If rack is deleted, you can only update it through the database.

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