Any way to disable search domains?

Hi… it has been a few years already and there were some previous posts abut the possibility to override the search domains in MAAS DHCP.

Currently I am faced with an issue that I cannot use MAAS DHCP.

For Openshift/OKD Installation, the documentations states that one should generate a record named *.apps.cluster.domain

and If I add such domain in MAAS, and the wildcard, as it is being added to the search domain list for static IP deployments and DHCP, everything gets resolved to the IP address. even if it is nor part of this domain name.

I’ve tried creating and DHCP snippet
option domain-search “”;

but it doesn’t help.

Any advice?
the only thing I can think of right now is not to use MAAS DHCP for this particular subnet.

Seems a global snippet didn’t work but if I add it to the specific subnet it does.

Thanks for sharing! Did you automate the deployment of openshift clusters? Is it something you can share (in terms of code and/or docs)?

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