Storage (snap/2.9/CLI)

About storage

You have significant latitude when choosing the final storage configuration of a deployed machine. MAAS supports traditional disk partitioning, as well as more complex options such as LVM, RAID, and bcache. MAAS also supports UEFI as a boot mechanism. This article explains boot mechanisms and layouts, and offers some advice on how to configure layouts and manage storage.

A machine’s storage is dependant upon the underlying system’s disks, but its configuration (i.e., disk usage) is the result of a storage template. In MAAS, this template is called a layout, and MAAS applies it to a machine during commissioning. Once a layout is applied, a regular user can make modifications to a machine at the filesystem level to arrive at the machine’s final storage configuration. When a machine is no longer needed, a user can choose from among several disk erasure types before releasing it.

MAAS supports storage configuration for CentOS and RHEL deployments. Support includes RAID, LVM, and custom partitioning with different file systems (ZFS and bcache excluded). This support requires a newer version of Curtin, available as a PPA.

About UEFI booting

Every layout type supports a machine booting with UEFI. In such a case, MAAS automatically creates an EFI boot partition (/boot/efi). Other than setting the machine to boot from UEFI, the user does not need to take any additional action.

Warning: UEFI must be enabled or disabled for the lifespan of the machine. For example, do not enlist a machine with UEFI enabled, and then disable it before commissioning. It won’t work!

The EFI partition, if created, will be the first partition (sda1) and will have a FAT32 filesystem with a size of 512 MB.

About final storage modifications

Once MAAS provisions a machine with block devices, via a layout or administrator customisation, a regular user can modify the resulting storage configuration at the filesystem level.

About disk erasure

Disk erasure pertains to the erasing of data on each of a machine’s disks when the machine has been released (see Release action) back into the pool of available machines. The user can choose from among three erasure types before confirming the Release action. A default erasure configuration can also be set.

About disk erasure types

The three disk erasure types are:

  1. Standard erasure
  2. Secure erasure
  3. Quick erasure

Each of these are explained below.

Abot standard erasure

Overwrites all data with zeros.

About secure eraseure

Although effectively equivalent to Standard erase, Secure erase is much faster because the disk’s firmware performs the operation. Because of this, however, some disks may not be able to perform this erasure type (SCSI, SAS, and FC disks in particular).

About quick erasure

Same as Standard erase but only targets the first 1 MB and the last 1 MB of each disk. This removes the partition tables and/or superblock from the disk, making data recovery difficult but not impossible.

About erasure order of preference

If all three options are checked when the machine is released the following order of preference is applied:

  1. Use ‘secure erase’ if the disk supports it
  2. If it does not then use ‘quick erase’

About block devices

Once the initial storage layout has been configured on a machine, you can perform many operations to view and adjust the entire storage layout for the machine. In MAAS there are two different types of block devices.


A physical block device is a physically attached block device such as a 100GB hard drive connected to a server.


A virtual block device is a block device that is exposed by the Linux kernel when an operation is performed. Almost all the operations on a physical block device can be performed on a virtual block device, such as a RAID device exposed as md0.

About partitions

As with block devices (see Block devices), MAAS and the MAAS API offer a great deal of control over the creation, formatting, mounting and deletion of partitions.

About storage restrictions

There are three restrictions for the storage configuration:

  1. An EFI partition is required to be on the boot disk for UEFI.
  2. You cannot place partitions on logical volumes.
  3. You cannot use a logical volume as a Bcache backing device.

Violating these restrictions will prevent a successful deployment.

About VMFS datastores

MAAS can configure custom local VMware VMFS Datastore layouts to maximise the usage of your local disks when deploying VMware ESXi. As VMware ESXi requires specific partitions for operating system usage, you must first apply the VMFS6 storage layout. This layout creates a VMFS Datastore named datastore1 which uses the disk space left over on the boot disk after MAAS creates the operating system partitions.

How to set global storage layouts

Layouts can be set globally and on a per-machine basis.

All machines will have a default layout applied when commissioned. To set the default storage layout for all machines:

maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=default_storage_layout value=$LAYOUT_TYPE

For example, to set the default layout to Flat:

maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=default_storage_layout value=flat

Important: The new default will only apply to newly-commissioned machines.

Important: The new default will only apply to newly-commissioned machines.

How to set per-machine storage layouts

An administrator can set a storage layout for a machine with a status of ‘Ready’ like this:

maas $PROFILE machine set-storage-layout $SYSTEM_ID storage_layout=$LAYOUT_TYPE [$OPTIONS]

For example, to set an LVM layout where the logical volume has a size of 5 GB:

maas $PROFILE machine set-storage-layout $SYSTEM_ID storage_layout=lvm lv_size=5368709120

You must specify all storage sizes in bytes.

This action will remove the configuration that may exist on any block device.

Only an administrator can modify storage at the block device level (providing the machine has a status of ‘Ready’).

How to erase disks

When using the MAAS CLI, you can erase a disk when releasing an individual machine. Note that this option is not available when releasing multiple machines, so you’ll want to make sure you’re using:

maas $PROFILE machine release...

and not:

maas $PROFILE machines release...

Note the difference in singular and plural “machine/machines” in the commands. Releasing a machine requires that you have the system_id of the machine to be released, which you can obtain with a command like this one:

maas admin machines read | jq -r '(["HOSTNAME","SYSID","POWER","STATUS",
"OWNER", "TAGS", "POOL", "VLAN","FABRIC","SUBNET"] | (., map(length*"-"))),
(.[] | [.hostname, .system_id, .power_state, .status_name, .owner // "-", 
.tag_names[0] // "-",,, .boot_interface.vlan.fabric,
.boot_interface.links[0]]) | @tsv' | column -t

The basic form of the release command, when erasing disks on releasing, is:

Parameters secure_erase and quick_erase are both optional, although if you don’t specify either of them, the entire disk will be overwritten with null bytes. Note that this overwrite process is very slow.

Secure erasure uses the drive’s secure erase feature, if it has one. In some cases, this can be much faster than overwriting the entire drive. Be aware, though, that some drives implement secure erasure as a complete drive overwrite, so this method may still be very slow. Additionally, if you specify secure erasure and the drive doesn’t have this feature, you’ll get a complete overwrite anyway – again, possibly very slow.

Quick erasure wipes 2MB at the start and end of the drive to make recovery both inconvenient and unlikely to happen by accident. Note, though, that quick erasure is not secure.

How to specify conditional erasure types

If you specify both erasure types, like this:

maas $PROFILE machine release $SYSTEM_ID comment="some comment" erase=true secure_erase=true quick_erase=true

then MAAS will perform a secure erasure if the drive has that feature; if not, it will perform a quick erasure. Of course, if you’re concerned about completely erasing the drive, and you’re not sure whether the disk has secure erase features, the best way to handle that is to specify nothing, and allow the full disk to be overwritten by null bytes:

maas $PROFILE machine release $SYSTEM_ID comment="some comment" erase=true

How to list block devices

To view all block devices on a machine use the read operation. This list both physical and virtual block devices, as you can see in the output from the following command:

maas admin block-devices read <node-id>


Machine-readable output follows:
        "id": 10,
        "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda",
        "serial": "",
        "block_size": 4096,
        "available_size": 0,
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/",
        "filesystem": null,
        "id_path": "/dev/vda",
        "size": 5368709120,
        "partition_table_type": "MBR",
        "model": "",
        "type": "physical",
        "uuid": null,
        "used_size": 5365563392,
        "used_for": "MBR partitioned with 1 partition",
        "partitions": [
                "bootable": false,
                "id": 9,
                "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
                "uuid": "aae082cd-8be0-4a64-ab49-e998abd6ea43",
                "used_for": "LVM volume for vgroot",
                "size": 5360320512,
                "type": "partition",
                "filesystem": {
                    "uuid": "a56ebfa6-8ef4-48b5-b6bc-9f9d27065d24",
                    "mount_options": null,
                    "label": null,
                    "fstype": "lvm-pv",
                    "mount_point": null
        "tags": [
        "name": "vda"
        "id": 11,
        "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/lvroot",
        "serial": null,
        "block_size": 4096,
        "available_size": 0,
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
        "filesystem": {
            "uuid": "7181a0c0-9e16-4276-8a55-c77364d137ca",
            "mount_options": null,
            "label": "root",
            "fstype": "ext4",
            "mount_point": "/"
        "id_path": null,
        "size": 3221225472,
        "partition_table_type": null,
        "model": null,
        "type": "virtual",
        "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
        "used_size": 3221225472,
        "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /",
        "partitions": [],
        "tags": [],
        "name": "vgroot-lvroot"

How to read a block device

If you want to read just one block device instead of listing all block devices the read operation on the block device endpoint provides that information. To display the details on device ‘11’ from the previous output, for example, we could enter:

maas admin block-device read <node-id> 11

The above command generates the following output:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "available_size": 0,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vgroot-lvroot",
    "name": "vgroot-lvroot",
    "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /",
    "type": "virtual",
    "used_size": 3221225472,
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "7181a0c0-9e16-4276-8a55-c77364d137ca",
        "mount_point": "/",
        "mount_options": null,
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "label": "root"
    "id_path": null,
    "id": 11,
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "block_size": 4096,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
    "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
    "serial": null,
    "partitions": [],
    "size": 3221225472,
    "model": null

It is also possible to use the name of the block device, such as ‘sda’ or ‘vda’, instead of its ‘id’:

s admin block-device read <node-id> vda

MAAS allows the name of a block device to be changed. If the block device name has changed then the API call needs to use the new name.

Using the ID is safer as it never changes.

How to create a block device

MAAS gathers the required information itself on block devices when re- commissioning a machine. If this doesn’t provide the required information, it is also possible - though not recommended - for an administrator to use the API to manually add a physical block device to a machine.

maas admin block-devices create <node-id> name=vdb model="QEMU" serial="QM00001" size=21474836480 block_size=4096

Depending on your configuration, output should be similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "available_size": 21474836480,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vdb",
    "name": "vdb",
    "used_for": "Unused",
    "type": "physical",
    "used_size": 0,
    "filesystem": null,
    "id_path": "",
    "id": 12,
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "block_size": 4096,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/12/",
    "uuid": null,
    "serial": "QM00001",
    "partitions": [],
    "size": 21474836480,
    "model": "QEMU"

The serial number is what MAAS will use when a machine is deployed to find the specific block device. It’s important that this be correct. In a rare chance that your block device does not provide a model or serial number you can provide an id_path. The id_path should be a path that is always the same, no matter the kernel version.

How to update a block device

An administrator can also update the details held on a physical block device, such as its name, from the API:

maas admin block-device update <node-id> 12 name=newroot

Output from this command will show that the ‘name’ has changed:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "block_size": 4096,
    "size": 21474836480,
    "filesystem": null,
    "model": "QEMU",
    "name": "newroot",
    "partitions": [],
    "tags": [],
    "used_size": 0,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/newroot",
    "id_path": "",
    "uuid": null,
    "available_size": 21474836480,
    "id": 12,
    "used_for": "Unused",
    "type": "physical",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/12/",
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "serial": "QM00001"

How to delete a block device

Physical and virtual block devices can be deleted by an administrator, while ordinary users can only delete virtual block devices:

maas admin block-device delete <node-id> 12

Format Block Device

An entire block device can be formatted by defining a filesystem with the ‘format’ API call:

maas admin block-device format <node-id> 11 fstype=ext4

Successful output from this command will look similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "block_size": 4096,
    "size": 3221225472,
    "filesystem": {
        "label": "",
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "mount_options": null,
        "uuid": "75e42f49-9a45-466c-8425-87a40e4f4148",
        "mount_point": null
    "model": null,
    "name": "vgroot-lvroot",
    "partitions": [],
    "tags": [],
    "used_size": 3221225472,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vgroot-lvroot",
    "id_path": null,
    "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
    "available_size": 0,
    "id": 11,
    "used_for": "Unmounted ext4 formatted filesystem",
    "type": "virtual",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "serial": null

You cannot format a block device that contains partitions or is used to make another virtual block device.

How to unformat a block device

You can remove the filesystem from a block device with the ‘unformat’ API call:

maas admin block-device unformat <node-id> 11

The output from this command should show the filesystem is now ‘null’:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "available_size": 3221225472,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vgroot-lvroot",
    "name": "vgroot-lvroot",
    "used_for": "Unused",
    "type": "virtual",
    "used_size": 0,
    "filesystem": null,
    "id_path": null,
    "id": 11,
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "block_size": 4096,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
    "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
    "serial": null,
    "partitions": [],
    "size": 3221225472,
    "model": null

How to mount a block device

If a block device has a filesystem, you can use the ‘maas’ command to mount a block devices at a given mount point:

maas admin block-device mount <node-id> 11 mount_point=/srv

The mount point is included in the successful output from the command:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "available_size": 0,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vgroot-lvroot",
    "name": "vgroot-lvroot",
    "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /srv",
    "type": "virtual",
    "used_size": 3221225472,
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "6f5965ad-49f7-42da-95ff-8000b739c39f",
        "mount_point": "/srv",
        "mount_options": "",
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "label": ""
    "id_path": null,
    "id": 11,
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "block_size": 4096,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
    "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
    "serial": null,
    "partitions": [],
    "size": 3221225472,
    "model": null

How to unmount a block device

To remove the mount point from the block device, use the ‘unmount’ call:

maas admin block-device unmount <node-id> 11 mount_point=/srv

The previous command will include a nullified ‘mount_point’ in its output:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "available_size": 0,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vgroot-lvroot",
    "name": "vgroot-lvroot",
    "used_for": "Unmounted ext4 formatted filesystem",
    "type": "virtual",
    "used_size": 3221225472,
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "6f5965ad-49f7-42da-95ff-8000b739c39f",
        "mount_point": null,
        "mount_options": null,
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "label": ""
    "id_path": null,
    "id": 11,
    "partition_table_type": null,
    "block_size": 4096,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/11/",
    "uuid": "fc8ba89e-9149-412c-bcea-e596eb7c0d14",
    "serial": null,
    "partitions": [],
    "size": 3221225472,
    "model": null

How to set a block device as a boot disk

By default, MAAS picks the first added block device to the machine as the boot disk. In most cases this works as expected as the BIOS usually enumerates the boot disk as the first block device. There are cases where this fails and the boot disk needs to be set to another disk. This API allow setting which block device on a machine MAAS should use as the boot disk.:

maas admin block-device set-boot-disk <node-id> 10

Only an administrator can set which block device should be used as the boot disk and only a physical block device can be set as as the boot disk. This operation should be done before a machine is acquired or the storage layout will be applied to the previous boot disk.

How to list partitions

To view all the partitions on a block device, use the ‘partitions read’ API call:

maas admin partitions read <node-id> 10
Machine-readable output follows:
        "bootable": false,
        "id": 9,
        "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
        "uuid": "aae082cd-8be0-4a64-ab49-e998abd6ea43",
        "used_for": "LVM volume for vgroot",
        "size": 5360320512,
        "type": "partition",
        "filesystem": {
            "uuid": "a56ebfa6-8ef4-48b5-b6bc-9f9d27065d24",
            "mount_options": null,
            "label": null,
            "fstype": "lvm-pv",
            "mount_point": null

To view the metadata for a specific partition on a block device, rather than all partitions, use the singular ‘partition’ API call with an endpoint:

maas admin partition read <node-id> 10 9

How to create a partition

To create a new partition on a block device, use the ‘create’ API call:

maas admin partitions create <node-id> 10 size=5360320512

In addition to bytes, as shown above, the ‘size’ of a partition can also be defined with a ‘G’ for gigabytes or ‘M’ for megabytes. The output from the previous command will look like this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "bootable": false,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
    "filesystem": null,
    "used_for": "Unused",
    "type": "partition",
    "id": 10,
    "size": 5360320512,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/partition/10",
    "uuid": "3d32adbf-9943-4785-ab38-963758338c6c"

How to delete a partition

Partitions can be deleted from a block device with the ‘delete’ API call. Make sure you double check the partition details as the partition is deleted immediately, with no further confirmation:

maas admin partition delete <node-id> 10 9

Successful output from the ‘delete’ command will look like this:

Machine-readable output follows:

How to format a partition

Partitions can be formatted in a similar way to block devices:

maas admin partition format <node-id> 10 9 fstype=ext4

The output from the ‘format’ command will be similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "id": 9,
    "used_for": "Unmounted ext4 formatted filesystem",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/partition/9",
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
    "uuid": "aae082cd-8be0-4a64-ab49-e998abd6ea43",
    "size": 5360320512,
    "bootable": false,
    "type": "partition",
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "ea593366-be43-4ea3-b2d5-0adf82085a62",
        "mount_point": null,
        "mount_options": null,
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "label": ""

You cannot format partitions that are used to make another virtual block device.

How to unformat a partition

You can also remove the filesystem from a partition with the ‘unformat’ API call:

maas admin partition unformat <node-id> 10 10 fstype=ext4
Machine-readable output follows:
    "bootable": false,
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
    "filesystem": null,
    "used_for": "Unused",
    "type": "partition",
    "id": 10,
    "size": 5360320512,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/partition/10",
    "uuid": "3d32adbf-9943-4785-ab38-963758338c6c"

How to mount a partition

A formatted partition can be mounted at a given mount point with the ‘mount’ command.

maas admin partition mount <node-id> 10 10 mount_point=/srv

The mount point and the filesystem is visible in the output from the command:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "bootable": false,
    "id": 10,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/partition/10",
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
    "uuid": "3d32adbf-9943-4785-ab38-963758338c6c",
    "used_for": "ext4 formatted filesystem mounted at /srv",
    "size": 5360320512,
    "type": "partition",
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "1949a5fb-f7bd-4ada-8ba5-d06d3f5857a8",
        "mount_options": "",
        "label": "",
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "mount_point": "/srv"

How to unmount a partition

A previous mounted partition can be unmounted with the ‘unmount’ command:

maas admin partition unmount 4y3h8a 10 10

After successfully running this command, the mount point will show as ‘null’ in the output:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "bootable": false,
    "id": 10,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4y3h8a/blockdevices/10/partition/10",
    "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part1",
    "uuid": "3d32adbf-9943-4785-ab38-963758338c6c",
    "used_for": "Unmounted ext4 formatted filesystem",
    "size": 5360320512,
    "type": "partition",
    "filesystem": {
        "uuid": "1949a5fb-f7bd-4ada-8ba5-d06d3f5857a8",
        "mount_options": null,
        "label": "",
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "mount_point": null
    "type": "partition",
    "id": 3,
    "size": 2000003072

How to list VMFS datastores

To view all VMFS Datastores on a machine, use the ‘vmfs-datastores read’ API call:

maas $PROFILE vmfs-datastores read $SYSTEM_ID
        "human_size": "45.8 GB",
        "filesystem": {
            "fstype": "vmfs6",
            "mount_point": "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1"
        "uuid": "2779a745-1db3-4fd7-b06e-455b728fffd4",
        "name": "datastore1",
        "system_id": "4qxaga",
        "devices": [
                "uuid": "c55fe657-689d-4570-8492-683dd5fa1c40",
                "size": 35026632704,
                "bootable": false,
                "tags": [],
                "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore1",
                "filesystem": {
                    "fstype": "vmfs6",
                    "label": null,
                    "uuid": "55ac6422-68b5-440e-ba65-153032605b51",
                    "mount_point": null,
                    "mount_options": null
                "type": "partition",
                "device_id": 5,
                "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sda-part3",
                "system_id": "4qxaga",
                "id": 71,
                "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4qxaga/blockdevices/5/partition/71"
                "uuid": "5182e503-4ad4-446e-9660-fd5052b41cc5",
                "size": 10729029632,
                "bootable": false,
                "tags": [],
                "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore1",
                "filesystem": {
                    "fstype": "vmfs6",
                    "label": null,
                    "uuid": "a5949b18-d591-4627-be94-346d0fdaf816",
                    "mount_point": null,
                    "mount_options": null
                "type": "partition",
                "device_id": 6,
                "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/sdb-part1",
                "system_id": "4qxaga",
                "id": 77,
                "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4qxaga/blockdevices/6/partition/77"
        "id": 17,
        "size": 45755662336,
        "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/4qxaga/vmfs-datastore/17/"

How to view a VMFS datastore

To view a specific VMFS Datastores on a machine, use the ‘vmfs-datastore read’ API call:

maas $PROFILE vmfs-datastore read $SYSTEM_ID $VMFS_DATASTORE_ID
    "uuid": "fb6fedc2-f711-40de-ab83-77eddc3e19ac",
    "name": "datastore1",
    "system_id": "b66fn6",
    "id": 18,
    "filesystem": {
        "fstype": "vmfs6",
        "mount_point": "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1"
    "human_size": "2.8 GB",
    "devices": [
            "uuid": "b91df576-ba02-4acb-914f-03ba9a2865b7",
            "size": 2814377984,
            "bootable": false,
            "tags": [],
            "system_id": "b66fn6",
            "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore1",
            "type": "partition",
            "id": 80,
            "filesystem": {
                "fstype": "vmfs6",
                "label": null,
                "uuid": "4a098d71-1e59-4b5f-932d-fc30a1c0dc96",
                "mount_point": null,
                "mount_options": null
            "device_id": 1,
            "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part3",
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/blockdevices/1/partition/80"
    "size": 2814377984,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/vmfs-datastore/18/"

How to create a VMFS datastore

A VMware VMFS datastore is created on one or more block devices or partitions.

To create a VMFS Datastores on a machine use the ‘vmfs-datastores create’ API call:

maas $PROFILE vmfs-datastores create $SYSTEM_ID name=$VMFS_NAME block_devices=$BLOCK_ID_1,$BLOCK_ID_2 partitions=$PARTITION_ID_1,$PARTITION_ID_2
    "system_id": "b66fn6",
    "devices": [
            "uuid": "b91df576-ba02-4acb-914f-03ba9a2865b7",
            "size": 2814377984,
            "bootable": false,
            "tags": [],
            "device_id": 1,
            "system_id": "b66fn6",
            "type": "partition",
            "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore42",
            "filesystem": {
                "fstype": "vmfs6",
                "label": null,
                "uuid": "fc374367-a2fb-4e50-9377-768bfe9705b6",
                "mount_point": null,
                "mount_options": null
            "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part3",
            "id": 80,
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/blockdevices/1/partition/80"
    "name": "datastore42",
    "filesystem": {
        "fstype": "vmfs6",
        "mount_point": "/vmfs/volumes/datastore42"
    "id": 19,
    "size": 2814377984,
    "uuid": "2711566c-2df4-4cc4-8c06-7392bb1f9532",
    "human_size": "2.8 GB",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/vmfs-datastore/19/"

How to edit a VMFS datastore

To edit an existing VMFS Datastores on a machine use the ‘vmfs-datastore update’ API call:

maas $PROFILE vmfs-datastore update $SYSTEM_ID $VMFS_ID name=$NEW_VMFS_NAME add_block_devices=$NEW_BLOCK_ID_1,$NEW_BLOCK_ID_2 add_partitions=$NEW_PARTITION_ID_1,$NEW_PARTITION_ID_2 remove_partitions=$EXISTING_PARTITION_ID1,$EXISTING_PARTITION_ID2
    "uuid": "2711566c-2df4-4cc4-8c06-7392bb1f9532",
    "name": "datastore42",
    "system_id": "b66fn6",
    "id": 19,
    "filesystem": {
        "fstype": "vmfs6",
        "mount_point": "/vmfs/volumes/datastore42"
    "human_size": "13.5 GB",
    "devices": [
            "uuid": "b91df576-ba02-4acb-914f-03ba9a2865b7",
            "size": 2814377984,
            "bootable": false,
            "tags": [],
            "system_id": "b66fn6",
            "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore42",
            "type": "partition",
            "id": 80,
            "filesystem": {
                "fstype": "vmfs6",
                "label": null,
                "uuid": "fc374367-a2fb-4e50-9377-768bfe9705b6",
                "mount_point": null,
                "mount_options": null
            "device_id": 1,
            "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vda-part3",
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/blockdevices/1/partition/80"
            "uuid": "f21fe54e-b5b1-4562-ab6b-e699e99f002f",
            "size": 10729029632,
            "bootable": false,
            "tags": [],
            "system_id": "b66fn6",
            "used_for": "VMFS extent for datastore42",
            "type": "partition",
            "id": 86,
            "filesystem": {
                "fstype": "vmfs6",
                "label": null,
                "uuid": "f3d9b6a3-bab3-4677-becb-bf5a421bfcc2",
                "mount_point": null,
                "mount_options": null
            "device_id": 2,
            "path": "/dev/disk/by-dname/vdb-part1",
            "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/blockdevices/2/partition/86"
    "size": 13543407616,
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/nodes/b66fn6/vmfs-datastore/19/"

How to delete a VMFS datastore

To delete a VMFS Datastores on a machine use the ‘vmfs-datastore delete’ API call:

maas $PROFILE vmfs-datastore delete $SYSTEM_ID $VMFS_ID

Storage layouts reference

There are three layout types:

  1. Flat layout
  2. LVM layout
  3. bcache layout

The layout descriptions below will include the EFI partition. If your system is not using UEFI, regard sda2 as sda1 (with an additional 512 MB available to it).

Flat layout storage reference

With the Flat layout, a partition spans the entire boot disk. The partition is formatted with the ext4 filesystem and uses the / mount point:

Name Size Type Filesystem Mount point
sda - disk
sda1 512 MB part FAT32 /boot/efi
sda2 rest of sda part ext4 /

The following three options are supported:

  1. boot_size: Size of the boot partition on the boot disk. Default is 0, meaning not to create the boot partition. The ‘/boot’ will be placed on the root filesystem.

  2. root_device: The block device on which to place the root partition. The default is the boot disk.

  3. root_size: Size of the root partition. Default is 100%, meaning the entire size of the root device.

LVM storage layout reference

The LVM layout creates the volume group vgroot on a partition that spans the entire boot disk. A logical volume lvroot is created for the full size of the volume group; is formatted with the ext4 filesystem; and uses the / mount point:

Name Size Type Filesystem Mount point
sda - disk
sda1 512 MB part FAT32 /boot/efi
sda2 rest of sda part lvm-pv(vgroot)
lvroot rest of sda lvm ext4 /
vgroot rest of sda lvm

The following six options are supported:

  1. boot_size: Size of the boot partition on the boot disk. Default is 0, meaning not to create the boot partition. The ‘/boot’ will be placed on the root filesystem.
  2. root_device: The block device on which to place the root partition. The default is the boot disk.
  3. root_size: Size of the root partition. Default is 100%, meaning the entire size of the root device.
  4. vg_name: Name of the created volume group. Default is vgroot.
  5. lv_name: Name of the created logical volume. Default is lvroot.
  6. lv_size: Size of the created logical volume. Default is 100%, meaning the entire size of the volume group.

bcache storage layout reference

A bcache layout will create a partition that spans the entire boot disk as the backing device. It uses the smallest block device tagged with ‘ssd’ as the cache device. The bcache device is formatted with the ext4 filesystem and uses the / mount point. If there are no ‘ssd’ tagged block devices on the machine, then the bcache device will not be created, and the Flat layout will be used instead:

Name Size Type Filesystem Mount point
sda - disk
sda1 512 MB part FAT32 /boot/efi
sda2 rest of sda part bc-backing
sdb (ssd) - disk
sdb1 100% of sdb part bc-cache
bcache0 per sda2 disk ext4 /

The following seven options are supported:

  1. boot_size: Size of the boot partition on the boot disk. Default is 0, meaning not to create the boot partition. The ‘/boot’ will be placed on the root filesystem.
  2. root_device: The block device upon which to place the root partition. The default is the boot disk.
  3. root_size: Size of the root partition. Default is 100%, meaning the entire size of the root device.
  4. cache_device: The block device to use as the cache device. Default is the smallest block device tagged ssd.
  5. cache_mode: The cache mode to which MAAS should set the created bcache device. The default is writethrough.
  6. cache_size: The size of the partition on the cache device. Default is 100%, meaning the entire size of the cache device.
  7. cache_no_part: Whether or not to create a partition on the cache device. Default is false, meaning to create a partition using the given cache_size. If set to true, no partition will be created, and the raw cache device will be used as the cache.

VMFS6 storage layout reference

The VMFS6 layout is used for VMware ESXi deployments only. It is required when configuring VMware VMFS Datastores. This layout creates all operating system partitions, in addition to the default datastore. The datastore may be modified. New datastores may be created or extended to include other storage devices. The base operating system partitions may not be modified because VMware ESXi requires them. Once applied another storage layout must be applied to remove the operating system partitions.

Name Size Type Use
sda - disk
sda1 3 MB part EFI
sda2 4 GB part Basic Data
sda3 Remaining part VMFS Datastore 1
sda4 - skipped
sda5 249 MB part Basic Data
sda6 249 MB part Basic Data
sda7 109 MB part VMware Diagnostic
sda8 285 MB part Basic Data
sda9 2.5 GB part VMware Diagnostic

The following options are supported:

  1. root_device: The block device upon which to place the root partition. Default is the boot disk.

  2. root_size: Size of the default VMFS Datastore. Default is 100%, meaning the remaining size of the root disk.

Blank storage layout reference

The blank layout removes all storage configuration from all storage devices. It is useful when needing to apply a custom storage configuration.

Warning: Machines with the blank layout applied are not deployable; you must first configure storage manually.