Tags and annotations (deb/2.7/CLI)

Tags are short, descriptive, searchable words that can be applied to various MAAS objects, including:

  • machines (physical and virtual)
  • VM hosts
  • controllers (rack and region)
  • storage (virtual and physical; block devices or partitions)
  • network interfaces
  • devices
  • nodes (in the CLI only)

Tags serve to help you identify, group, and find objects easily, especially when you routinely deploy hundreds of machines.

Annotations are descriptive, searchable phrases that apply only to machines. There are two types of annotations: static (always present in any machine state), and dynamic (only present in allocated or deployed states). Annotations help you identify, characterise, and inform others about your machines.

This article will show you how to:

All headings have been hyperlinked for easy bookmarking. Note that not all functions for tags and annotations can be accessed via one interface (UI/CLI), so you will occasionally encounter cross-links.

Work with tags

This section is devoted to procedures for working with tags. We begin with some general operations that apply to all tags types, such as naming conventions and basic mechanics. We then walk through the various tag types, providing procedures that will help you create, assign, remove, delete, list, view, and filter tags, covering the nuances of each type.

Specifically, this section will show you how to:

Work with tags, independent of application

This subsection will explain how to:

Create a tag

With the CLI, you can create a tag with the following command:

maas $PROFILE tags create name=$TAG_NAME comment='$TAG_COMMENT'

For example, depending upon your system configuration, you might type a command similar to this one:

maas admin tags create name="new_tag" comment="a new tag for test purposes"

When the command is successful, you should see output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "name": "new_tag",
    "definition": "",
    "comment": "a new tag for test purposes",
    "kernel_opts": "",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/tags/new_tag/"

You can verify your work by listing all the tags on this MAAS.

Create tags with built-in kernel options

You can create tags with embedded kernel boot options. When you apply such tags to a machine, those kernel boot options will be applied to that machine on the next deployment.

To create a tag with embedded kernel boot options, use the following command:

maas $PROFILE tags create name='$TAG_NAME' \
    comment='$TAG_COMMENT' kernel_opts='$KERNEL_OPTIONS'

For example:

maas admin tags create name='nomodeset_tag' \
    comment='nomodeset_kernel_option' kernel_opts='nomodeset vga'

This command yields the following results:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "name": "nomodeset_tag",
    "definition": "",
    "comment": "nomodeset_kernel_option",
    "kernel_opts": "nomodeset vga",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/tags/nomodeset_tag/"

You can check your work with a modified form of the listing command:

maas admin tags read | jq -r \
| @tsv' | column -t

This should give you results something like this:

tag_name             tag_comment                  kernel_options                     
--------             -----------                  --------------                     
new_tag              a-new-tag-for-test-purposes                                     
pod-console-logging  console=tty1                 console=ttyS0                      
nomodeset_tag        nomodeset_kernel_option      nomodeset       vga

Delete a tag

With the CLI, you can delete a tag with the following command:

maas $PROFILE tag delete $TAG_NAME

For example, depending upon your system configuration, you might type a command similar to this one:

maas admin tag delete zorko

When the command is successful, you should see output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:

Note that there is no actual “Machine-readable output” produced by this command, in most cases. Also note that remove a tag removes it from any nodes where you may have assigned it, but does not affect those nodes in any other way.

You can check your work by listing all the tags on this MAAS.

Update a tag

You can update a tag (e.g., a tag comment) like this:

maas $PROFILE tag update $TAG_NAME comment='$TAG_COMMENT'

For example:

maas admin tag update new_tag comment="a-new-tag-for-test-purposes"

This should return an output similar to this one:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "name": "new_tag",
    "definition": "",
    "comment": "a-new-tag-for-test-purposes",
    "kernel_opts": "",
    "resource_uri": "/MAAS/api/2.0/tags/new_tag/"

You can always verify by listing all the tags on this MAAS.

List all tags available on this MAAS

You can list all tags that currently exist in this MAAS with a command of the form:

maas $PROFILE tags read | jq -r '(["tag_name","tag_comment"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.name,.comment]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin tags read | jq -r '(["tag_name","tag_comment"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.name,.comment]) | @tsv' | column -t

Your output might look like this:

tag_name  tag_comment
--------  -----------
new_tag   a-new-tag-for-test-purposes

Rebuild a tag

If you need to update tags for all machines – without having to recommission them – you can accomplish this with the rebuild command:

maas $PROFILE tag rebuild $TAG

This command automatically applies the tag to all machines regardless of state, even machines that are actively deployed. For example:

maas admin tag rebuild virtual

This command would produce output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "rebuilding": "virtual"

Work with machine tags

This subsection will explain how to:

Assign machine tags to a machine

You can assign tags to a physical or virtual machine with the following command:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes new_tag add=g6arwg

This returns something like the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
   "added": 1,
   "removed": 0

You can check your work by listing machine tags, like this:

maas admin machines read | jq -r \
| @tsv' | column -t

This should yield output similar to the following:

hostname       sysid   machine_tags
--------       -----   ------------
divine-stork   8b3ypp  pod-console-logging  virtual
casual-prawn   4end6r  pod-console-logging  virtual
driven-teal    tgaat6  pod-console-logging  virtual
immune-beetle  43xand  pod-console-logging  virtual
good-osprey    napfxk  pod-console-logging  virtual
smart-hen      c4rwq7  pod-console-logging  virtual
boss-satyr     xn8taa  pod-console-logging  androko
golden-martin  8fxery  pod-console-logging  virtual
crack-guinea   qk4b3g  pod-console-logging  virtual
finer-leech    cy3dtr  pod-console-logging  virtual
free-mouse     gxtbq4  pod-console-logging  virtual
humble-bunny   srqnnb  pod-console-logging  virtual
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh  pod-console-logging  virtual
one-boa        by477d  pod-console-logging  virtual
great-urchin   srnx4g  pod-console-logging  virtual
ace-frog       g6arwg  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar  farquar  new_tag
alive-marlin   gbwnfb  pod-console-logging  virtual
picked-parrot  am77wn  pod-console-logging  virtual
tough-kit      ke3wc7  pod-console-logging  virtual
legal-whale    8nq3mt  pod-console-logging  virtual
game-sponge    76pdc6  pod-console-logging  virtual
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k  pod-console-logging  virtual
aware-earwig   8m8hs7  pod-console-logging  virtual
chief-crane    7fapx7  pod-console-logging  virtual
select-tapir   4ascbr  pod-console-logging  virtual
on-slug        snfs8d  pod-console-logging  virtual
polite-llama   dbqd4m  pod-console-logging  virtual
frank-coyote   wcmk48  pod-console-logging  virtual
usable-condor  ed8hmy  pod-console-logging  virtual
still-imp      h6ra6d  pod-console-logging  virtual

Remove machine tags from a machine

You can remove a tag from a physical or virtual machine with this command:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME remove=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes new_tag remove=g6arwg

This would produce output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 0,
    "removed": 1

A quick check to verify results should yield something like this:

hostname       sysid   machine_tags
--------       -----   ------------
ace-frog       g6arwg  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar  farquar

Adding and removing machine tags simultaneously from multiple machines

You can simultaneously add and remove tags from multiple machines, as long as you are only modifying one tag, with a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID1 add=$SYSTEM_ID2 remove=$SYSTEM_ID3

For example, to remove the tag “barbar” from machine “g6arwg,” but add it to machines “8fxery” and “by477d,” you could use a command like this:

maas admin tag update-nodes barbar add=8fxery add=by477d remove=g6arwg

This compound operation would yield a response similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 2,
    "removed": 1

Again, verifying by checking the list of machine tags, we enter a command like this:

maas admin machines read | jq -r \
| @tsv' | column -t

The resulting response looks something like this:

hostname       sysid   machine_tags
--------       -----   ------------
divine-stork   8b3ypp  pod-console-logging  virtual
casual-prawn   4end6r  pod-console-logging  virtual
driven-teal    tgaat6  pod-console-logging  virtual
immune-beetle  43xand  pod-console-logging  virtual
good-osprey    napfxk  pod-console-logging  virtual
smart-hen      c4rwq7  pod-console-logging  virtual
boss-satyr     xn8taa  pod-console-logging  androko
golden-martin  8fxery  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar
crack-guinea   qk4b3g  pod-console-logging  virtual
finer-leech    cy3dtr  pod-console-logging  virtual
free-mouse     gxtbq4  pod-console-logging  virtual
humble-bunny   srqnnb  pod-console-logging  virtual
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh  pod-console-logging  virtual
one-boa        by477d  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar
great-urchin   srnx4g  pod-console-logging  virtual
ace-frog       g6arwg  pod-console-logging  virtual  farquar
alive-marlin   gbwnfb  pod-console-logging  virtual
picked-parrot  am77wn  pod-console-logging  virtual
tough-kit      ke3wc7  pod-console-logging  virtual
legal-whale    8nq3mt  pod-console-logging  virtual
game-sponge    76pdc6  pod-console-logging  virtual
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k  pod-console-logging  virtual
aware-earwig   8m8hs7  pod-console-logging  virtual
chief-crane    7fapx7  pod-console-logging  virtual
select-tapir   4ascbr  pod-console-logging  virtual
on-slug        snfs8d  pod-console-logging  virtual
polite-llama   dbqd4m  pod-console-logging  virtual
frank-coyote   wcmk48  pod-console-logging  virtual
usable-condor  ed8hmy  pod-console-logging  virtual
still-imp      h6ra6d  pod-console-logging  virtual

List machine tags for all machines

To list machine tags for all physical and virtual machines, just enter a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE machines read | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","machine_tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read | jq -r \
| @tsv' | column -t

This gives us a listing similar to this:

hostname       sysid   machine_tags
--------       -----   ------------
divine-stork   8b3ypp  pod-console-logging  virtual
casual-prawn   4end6r  pod-console-logging  virtual
driven-teal    tgaat6  pod-console-logging  virtual
immune-beetle  43xand  pod-console-logging  virtual
good-osprey    napfxk  pod-console-logging  virtual
smart-hen      c4rwq7  pod-console-logging  virtual
boss-satyr     xn8taa  pod-console-logging  androko
golden-martin  8fxery  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar
crack-guinea   qk4b3g  pod-console-logging  virtual
finer-leech    cy3dtr  pod-console-logging  virtual
free-mouse     gxtbq4  pod-console-logging  virtual
humble-bunny   srqnnb  pod-console-logging  virtual
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh  pod-console-logging  virtual
one-boa        by477d  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar
great-urchin   srnx4g  pod-console-logging  virtual
ace-frog       g6arwg  pod-console-logging  virtual  farquar
alive-marlin   gbwnfb  pod-console-logging  virtual
picked-parrot  am77wn  pod-console-logging  virtual
tough-kit      ke3wc7  pod-console-logging  virtual
legal-whale    8nq3mt  pod-console-logging  virtual
game-sponge    76pdc6  pod-console-logging  virtual
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k  pod-console-logging  virtual
aware-earwig   8m8hs7  pod-console-logging  virtual
chief-crane    7fapx7  pod-console-logging  virtual
select-tapir   4ascbr  pod-console-logging  virtual
on-slug        snfs8d  pod-console-logging  virtual
polite-llama   dbqd4m  pod-console-logging  virtual
frank-coyote   wcmk48  pod-console-logging  virtual
usable-condor  ed8hmy  pod-console-logging  virtual
still-imp      h6ra6d  pod-console-logging  virtual

View machine tags for one machine

To view tags for one physical or machine, you can enter a command like this:

maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","machine_tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machine read 8fxery | jq -r \
| @tsv' | column -t

Typical output from this command might look like this:

hostname       sysid   machine_tags
--------       -----   ------------
golden-martin  8fxery  pod-console-logging  virtual  barbar

Work with virtual machine host tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover your virtual machine host ID

If you don’t know your VM host ID, you can discover it with this command:

maas $PROFILE vmhosts read \
| jq -r '(["vm_host_name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin vmhosts read \
| jq -r '(["vm_host_name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

This should produce output similar to the following:

vm_host_name      id
------------      --
my-lxd-vm-host-1  1

Assign tags to a virtual machine host

To assign a tag to a virtual machine host, enter the following command:

maas $PROFILE vmhost add-tag $VMHOST_ID	tag=$TAG_NAME

If you don’t know the ID of your VM host, you can look it up beforehand.

As an example of assigning a tag to a VM host:

maas admin vmhost add-tag 1 tag=virtual

If it worked, this should return Success, followed by the JSON that describes the VM host. You can check your work by listing all VM host tags.

Remove tags from a virtual machine host

To remove a tag from a virtual machine host, enter the following command:

maas $PROFILE vmhost remove-tag $VMHOST_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

If you don’t know the ID of your VM host, you can look it up beforehand.

As an example of removing a tag from a VM host:

maas admin vmhost remove-tag 1 tag=virtual

If it worked, this should return Success, followed by the JSON that describes the VM host. You can check your work by listing all VM host tags.

List tags for all virtual machine hosts

You can list tags for all VM hosts with the following command:

maas $PROFILE vmhosts read | jq -r '(["vm_host_name","id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.name,.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin vmhosts read | jq -r '(["vm_host_name","id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.name,.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This should yield output similar to the following:

vm_host_name      id  tags
------------      --  ----
my-lxd-vm-host-1  1   morkopongo  pod-console-logging  virtual

View tags for one virtual machine host

If you want to list the tags for just one VM host, you can use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE vmhost read $VMHOST_ID \
| jq -r '(["name","id","tags"]
| @tsv' | column -t

If you don’t know the ID of your VM host, you can look it up beforehand.

As an example of viewing tags for one VM host:

maas admin vmhost read 1 | jq -r '("name","id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.name,.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' @ column -t

Typical output might look something like this:

name              id  tags
----              --  ----
my-lxd-vm-host-1  1   morkopongo  pod-console-logging

Work with region controller tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover the ID of your region controller(s)

You can discover the ID of your region controller(s) with the following command:

maas $PROFILE region-controllers read \
| jq -r '(["name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin region-controllers read \
| jq -r '(["name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

Typical output would look something like this:

name                         id
----                         --
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8

Assign tags to a region controller

To add tags to a region controller, you can use a command of this form:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

If you need to find the ID of your region controller(s), you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes virtual add=86xya8

This command produces output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 1,
    "removed": 0

You can check your work by listing all tags for your region controllers.

Remove tags from a region controller

To remove tags from a region controller, you can use a command like this:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME remove=$SYSTEM_ID

If you need to find the ID of your region controller(s), you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes virtual remove=86xya8

This command produces output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 0,
    "removed": 1

You can check your work by listing all tags for your region controllers.

List tags for all region controllers

To list tags for all region controllers, you can use a command similar to this:

maas $PROFILE region-controllers read | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin region-controllers read | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This will produce output something like this:

hostname                     sysid   tags
--------                     -----   ----
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8  virtual  lxd-vm-host

View tags for one region controller

To view tags for a specific region controller, you can try a command like this:

maas $PROFILE region-controller read $SYSTEM_ID | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

If you need to find the ID of your region controller(s), you can [look it up](#heading--discover-the-id-of-your-region-controllers).

For example:

maas admin region-controller read 86xya8 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]
| @tsv' | column -t

This should produce output similar to the following:

hostname                     sysid   tags
--------                     -----   ----
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8  virtual  lxd-vm-host

Work with rack controller tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover the ID of your rack controller(s)

You can discover the ID of your rack controller(s) with the following command:

maas $PROFILE rack-controllers read \
| jq -r '(["name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin rack-controllers read \
| jq -r '(["name","id"]
| @tsv' | column -t

Typical output would look something like this:

name                         id
----                         --
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8

Assign tags to a rack controller

To add tags to a rack controller, you can use a command of this form:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

If you need to find the ID of your rack controller(s), you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes virtual add=86xya8

This command produces output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 1,
    "removed": 0

You can check your work by listing all tags for your rack controllers.

Remove tags from a rack controller

To remove tags from a rack controller, you can use a command like this:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME remove=$SYSTEM_ID

If you need to find the ID of your rack controller(s), you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes virtual remove=86xya8

This command produces output similar to the following:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 0,
    "removed": 1

You can check your work by listing all tags for your rack controllers.

List tags for all rack controllers

To list tags for all rack controllers, you can use a command similar to this:

maas $PROFILE rack-controllers read | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin rack-controllers read | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This will produce output something like this:

hostname                     sysid   tags
--------                     -----   ----
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8  virtual  lxd-vm-host

View tags for one rack controller

To view tags for a specific rack controller, you can try a command like this:

maas $PROFILE rack-controller read $SYSTEM_ID | jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

If you need to find the ID of your rack controller(s), you can [look it up](#heading--discover-the-id-of-your-rack-controllers).

For example:

maas admin rack-controller read 86xya8 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","sysid","tags"]
| @tsv' | column -t

This should produce output similar to the following:

hostname                     sysid   tags
--------                     -----   ----
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8  virtual  lxd-vm-host

Work with block device tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover the ID of your block device

Block devices do not exist apart from the physical or virtual machines to which they are attached. Finding the ID of the block device that interests you requires starting with a particular machine, in a command form that looks like this:

maas $PROFILE block-devices read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["system_id","block_device_id","path","avail_size"]
| @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin block-devices read qk4b3g \
| jq -r '(["system_id","block_device_id","path","avail_size"]
| @tsv' | column -t

This example would produce output that looks something like this:

system_id  block_device_id  path                    avail_size
---------  ---------------  ----                    ----------
qk4b3g     10               /dev/disk/by-dname/sda  0

The path component is printed to help you confirm that you are choosing the right block device, when there are several present. The avail-size column will tell you whether you can operate on that block device at all: If the available size is “0,” for example, you can’t set a block device tag on any part of that drive. Instead, you’d want to see something like this:

system_id  block_device_id  path                    avail_size
---------  ---------------  ----                    ----------
xn8taa     8                /dev/disk/by-dname/sda  1996488704

Assign tags to a block device

You can only assign tags to a block device that is available. You can find out whether the block device is available at all when you discover its ID.

To assign an existing tag to a block device, you would type a command formulated like this:

maas $PROFILE block-device add-tag $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

If you’re not sure about the ID of your block device, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin block-device add-tag xn8taa 8 tag=farquar

If this command succeeds, it will display Success, followed by a JSON sequence describing the new state of the block device.

Note that if you try to add a tag to a block device that is not available, that is, to a block device that is in use, you will get a result like this:

Not Found

Remove tags from a block device

You can only remove tags from a block device that is available. You can find out whether the block device is available at all when you discover its ID.

To remove an assigned tag from a block device, you would type a command formulated like this:

maas $PROFILE block-device remove-tag $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

If you’re not sure about the ID of your block device, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin block-device remove-tag xn8taa 8 tag=farquar

If this command succeeds, it will display Success, followed by a JSON sequence describing the new state of the block device.

Note that if you try to remove a tag from a block device that is not available, that is, to a block device that is in use, you will get a result like this:

Not Found

List tags for all block devices

To list tags for all block devices associated with a physical or virtual machine, you can use a command of this form:

maas $PROFILE block-devices read $SYSTEM_ID | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin block-devices read xn8taa | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),(.[]|[.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This command would produce output similar to this:

id  tags
--  ----
8   hello  ssd  trinkoplinko

View tags for one block device

To view tags for one specific block device, you can enter a command like this:

maas $PROFILE block-device read $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

If you’re not sure about the ID of your block device, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin block-device read xn8taa 8 | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This command would produce output similar to this:

id  tags
--  ----
8   hello  ssd  trinkoplinko
9   20gig  ssd
10  250Gs  ssd

Work with partition tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover the ID of your partition

Partitions do not exist apart from the block devices on which they reside. Finding the ID of the partition that interests you requires starting with a particular machine and block device, similar to this command:

maas $PROFILE partitions read $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID \
| jq -r '(["system_id","block_dev_id","part_id","path"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin partitions read xn8taa 8 \
| jq -r '(["system_id","block_dev_id","part_id","path"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This example would produce output that looks something like this:

system_id  block_dev_id  part_id  path
---------  ------------  -------  ----
xn8taa     8             67       /dev/disk/by-dname/sda-part1

The path component is printed to help you confirm that you are choosing the right partition, when there are several present.

Assign tags to a partition

You can only assign tags to a partition that is available. To assign an existing tag to a partition, you would type a command formulated like this:


If you’re not sure about the ID of your partition, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin partition add-tag xn8taa 8 67 tag=farquar

If this command succeeds, it will display Success, followed by a JSON sequence describing the new state of the partition.

Note that if you try to add a tag to a partition that is not available, that is, to a partition that is in use, you will get a result like this:

Not Found

Remove tags from a partition

You can only remove tags from a partition that is available. To remove a existing tag from a partition, you would type a command formulated like this:


If you’re not sure about the ID of your partition, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin partition remove-tag xn8taa 8 67 tag=farquar

If this command succeeds, it will display Success, followed by a JSON sequence describing the new state of the partition.

Note that if you try to remove a tag from a partition that is not available, that is, to a partition that is in use, you will get a result like this:

Not Found

On the other hand, if you try to remove a tag that is not assigned to the partition you’ve chosen, MAAS will simply return Success, followed by a JSON sequence describing the current state of the partition.

List tags for all partitions

To list tags for all partitions of a particular block device, use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE partitions read $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID \
| jq -r '(["id","tags"]
| @tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin partitions read xn8taa 8 \
| jq -r '(["id","tags"]
| @tsv' | column -t

A command like this should return output similar to the following:

id  tags
--  ----
54  farquar swap opendisk
67  foobar  farquar
97  foobar

View tags for one partition

To view tags for one partition, enter a command similar to this:

maas $PROFILE partition read $SYSTEM_ID $BLOCK_DEVICE_ID $PARTITION_ID | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

If you’re not sure about the ID of your partition, you can look it up.

For example:

maas admin partition read xn8taa 8 67 | jq -r '(["id","tags"]|(.,map(length*"-"))),([.id,.tags[]]) | @tsv' | column -t

This command should produce output similar to this:

id  tags
--  ----
67  foobar  farquar

Work with network tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Discover the ID of your network interface

You can use a command of the following form to identify the interfaces associated with a particular device on your MAAS:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

This would produce output similar to the following:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise

Assign tags to a network interface

To assign a tag to a network interface, using both the device system ID and the interface ID, use a command of the following form:

maas $PROFILE interface add-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

For example:

maas admin interface add-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

This command, if successful, will produce a long sequence of JSON describing the interface, including the changes introduced by the command above. You can also check your work by listing the tags associated with the device.

Remove tags from a network interface

To remove a tag from a network interface, use both the device system ID and the interface ID in a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE interface remove-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

For example:

maas admin interface remove-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

This command, if successful, will produce a long sequence of JSON describing the interface, including the changes introduced by the command above. You can also check your work by listing the tags associated with the device.

List tags for all network interfaces

To list all the tags for a given network interface on a given device, use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

This would produce output similar to the following:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise  farquar

View tags for one network interface

To view tags for one particular network interface on a specific device, try a command formulated like this:

maas $PROFILE interface read $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interface read xn8taa 9 \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

Typical output might look like this:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise

Work with device tags

This subsection will show you how to:

Identify your devices

You can use a command similar to the following to identify your devices:

maas $PROFILE devices read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin devices read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This command produces a result similar to the following:

hostname     system_id
--------     ---------
better-sole  t8pmrs
light-aphid  76b6tt

Assign tags to a device

To assign tags to a device, you can use a command of the following form:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes farquar add=t8pmrs

A successful command like this might produce output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 1,
    "removed": 0

You can also check your work by listing tags for all devices.

Remove tags from a device

To remove tags from a device, you can use a command of the following form:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME remove=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes farquar remove=t8pmrs

A successful command like this might produce output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 0,
    "removed": 1

You can also check your work by listing tags for all devices.

List tags for all devices

If you want to list tags for all devices, you could use a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE devices read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin devices read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Such a command would produce output that looks something like this:

hostname     system_id  tags
--------     ---------  ----
better-sole  t8pmrs     farquar
light-aphid  76b6tt

View tags for one device

You can view the tags for a single device with the command:

maas $PROFILE device read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

If you need to know the system ID of your device, you can look it up.

Note that this command differs in that (1) it uses the singular “device” instead of “devices;” (2) it gives the system ID of a specific device; and (3) it uses the single-record form of the jq tag list ("([.hostname,.system_id,.tag_names[]]", rather than “(.[]|[.hostname…”).

For example:

maas admin device read t8pmrs \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Sample output might look like this:

hostname     system_id  tags
--------     ---------  ----
better-sole  t8pmrs     farquar

Work with node tags

Identify your nodes

If you need to identify the system ID of your nodes, you can do so with a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE nodes read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv'|column -t

For example:

When listing nodes, you should expect a large output, similar to this or larger:

hostname                     system_id
--------                     ---------
better-sole                  t8pmrs
light-aphid                  76b6tt
divine-stork                 8b3ypp
casual-prawn                 4end6r
driven-teal                  tgaat6
immune-beetle                43xand
good-osprey                  napfxk
smart-hen                    c4rwq7
boss-satyr                   xn8taa
golden-martin                8fxery
crack-guinea                 qk4b3g
finer-leech                  cy3dtr
free-mouse                   gxtbq4
humble-bunny                 srqnnb
wanted-muskox                ekw7fh
one-boa                      by477d
great-urchin                 srnx4g
ace-frog                     g6arwg
alive-marlin                 gbwnfb
picked-parrot                am77wn
tough-kit                    ke3wc7
legal-whale                  8nq3mt
game-sponge                  76pdc6
fun-ghoul                    qxfm7k
aware-earwig                 8m8hs7
chief-crane                  7fapx7
select-tapir                 4ascbr
on-slug                      snfs8d
polite-llama                 dbqd4m
frank-coyote                 wcmk48
usable-condor                ed8hmy
still-imp                    h6ra6d
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8

A node listing will show all the machines, controllers, and devices in the system.

Assign tags to a node

To assign tags to any node (regardless of its type), you can use a command of this form:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

For example,

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME add=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes farquar add=t8pmrs

A successful command like this might produce output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 1,
    "removed": 0

You can also check your work by listing tags for all devices.

Remove tags from a node

To remove tags from a node, regardless of type, you can use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE tag update-nodes $TAG_NAME remove=$SYSTEM_ID

For example:

maas admin tag update-nodes farquar remove=t8pmrs

A successful command like this might produce output similar to this:

Machine-readable output follows:
    "added": 0,
    "removed": 1

You can also check your work by listing tags for all devices.

List tags for all nodes

If you want to list tags for all nodes, you could use a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE nodes read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin nodes read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Such a command would produce output that looks something like this:

hostname                     system_id  tags
--------                     ---------  ----
better-sole                  t8pmrs     farquar
light-aphid                  76b6tt
divine-stork                 8b3ypp     pod-console-logging  virtual
casual-prawn                 4end6r     pod-console-logging  virtual
driven-teal                  tgaat6     pod-console-logging  virtual
immune-beetle                43xand     pod-console-logging  virtual
good-osprey                  napfxk     pod-console-logging  virtual
smart-hen                    c4rwq7     pod-console-logging  virtual
boss-satyr                   xn8taa     pod-console-logging  androko
golden-martin                8fxery     pod-console-logging  virtual
crack-guinea                 qk4b3g     pod-console-logging  virtual
finer-leech                  cy3dtr     pod-console-logging  virtual
free-mouse                   gxtbq4     pod-console-logging  virtual
humble-bunny                 srqnnb     pod-console-logging  virtual
wanted-muskox                ekw7fh     pod-console-logging  virtual
one-boa                      by477d     pod-console-logging  virtual
great-urchin                 srnx4g     pod-console-logging  virtual
ace-frog                     g6arwg     pod-console-logging  virtual  farquar
alive-marlin                 gbwnfb     pod-console-logging  virtual
picked-parrot                am77wn     pod-console-logging  virtual
tough-kit                    ke3wc7     pod-console-logging  virtual
legal-whale                  8nq3mt     pod-console-logging  virtual
game-sponge                  76pdc6     pod-console-logging  virtual
fun-ghoul                    qxfm7k     pod-console-logging  virtual
aware-earwig                 8m8hs7     pod-console-logging  virtual
chief-crane                  7fapx7     pod-console-logging  virtual
select-tapir                 4ascbr     pod-console-logging  virtual
on-slug                      snfs8d     pod-console-logging  virtual
polite-llama                 dbqd4m     pod-console-logging  virtual
frank-coyote                 wcmk48     pod-console-logging  virtual
usable-condor                ed8hmy     pod-console-logging  virtual
still-imp                    h6ra6d     pod-console-logging  virtual
bill-Lenovo-Yoga-C740-15IML  86xya8     lxd-vm-host

View tags for one node

You could use a command with a form like this to view the tags for one node:

maas $PROFILE node read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin node read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","tags"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This command produces output that looks something like this:

hostname    system_id  tags
--------    ---------  ----
boss-satyr  xn8taa     pod-console-logging  androko

Work with annotations

This section will show you how to:

Work with static annotations

This subsection will show you how to:

Identify your machines

To identify your available machines, use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Typical output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id
--------       ---------
divine-stork   8b3ypp
casual-prawn   4end6r
driven-teal    tgaat6
immune-beetle  43xand
good-osprey    napfxk
smart-hen      c4rwq7
boss-satyr     xn8taa
golden-martin  8fxery
crack-guinea   qk4b3g
finer-leech    cy3dtr
free-mouse     gxtbq4
humble-bunny   srqnnb
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh
one-boa        by477d
great-urchin   srnx4g
ace-frog       g6arwg
alive-marlin   gbwnfb
picked-parrot  am77wn
tough-kit      ke3wc7
legal-whale    8nq3mt
game-sponge    76pdc6
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k
aware-earwig   8m8hs7
chief-crane    7fapx7
select-tapir   4ascbr
on-slug        snfs8d
polite-llama   dbqd4m
frank-coyote   wcmk48
usable-condor  ed8hmy
still-imp      h6ra6d

Set a static annotation for a machine

If you want to set the static annotation for a given machine, you can do so with a command that looks like this:

maas $PROFILE machine update $SYSTEM_ID description="$STATIC_ANNOTATION"

For example:

maas admin machine update ke3wc7 description="kilo-echo-3-whisky-charlie-7"

You can check your work by viewing the static annotations for one machine.

Change or clear a static annotation for a machine

If you want to set the static annotation for a given machine, use the same command you’d use to set a static annotation:

maas $PROFILE machine update $SYSTEM_ID description="$STATIC_ANNOTATION"

The existing annotation will be overwritten by the new one you enter. For example:

maas admin machine update ke3wc7 description=""

You can check your work by viewing the static annotations for one machine.

List static annotations for all machines

To list static annotations for all machines, enter a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id  description
--------       ---------  -----------
driven-teal    tgaat6     tango-golf
humble-bunny   srqnnb     sierra-romeo
tough-kit      ke3wc7     kilo-echo

View a static annotation for one machine

To view a static annotation for one machine, try a command like this:

 maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

 maas admin machine read tgaat6 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

A command like this might produce output as follows:

hostname     system_id  description
--------     ---------  -----------
driven-teal  tgaat6     tango-golf

Work with dynamic (workload) annotations

This section will show you how to:

Identify machines that can receive dynamic annotations

You can only set dynamic annotations for machines that are in the “Allocated” or “Deployed” state. To identify which of your machines are in these states, you can execute the following command:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","status"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","status"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Output should look something like this:

hostname       system_id  status
--------       ---------  ------
divine-stork   8b3ypp     Deployed
casual-prawn   4end6r     Ready
driven-teal    tgaat6     Allocated
immune-beetle  43xand     Allocated
good-osprey    napfxk     Allocated
smart-hen      c4rwq7     Allocated
boss-satyr     xn8taa     Ready
golden-martin  8fxery     Allocated
crack-guinea   qk4b3g     Allocated
finer-leech    cy3dtr     Deployed
free-mouse     gxtbq4     Allocated
humble-bunny   srqnnb     Allocated
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh     Deployed
one-boa        by477d     Allocated
great-urchin   srnx4g     Allocated
ace-frog       g6arwg     Ready
alive-marlin   gbwnfb     Deployed
picked-parrot  am77wn     Allocated
tough-kit      ke3wc7     Deployed
legal-whale    8nq3mt     Allocated
game-sponge    76pdc6     Allocated
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k     Allocated
aware-earwig   8m8hs7     Deployed
chief-crane    7fapx7     Ready
select-tapir   4ascbr     Allocated
on-slug        snfs8d     Allocated
polite-llama   dbqd4m     Allocated
frank-coyote   wcmk48     Allocated
usable-condor  ed8hmy     Deployed
still-imp      h6ra6d     Allocated

Set dynamic annotations for a machine

Dynamic annotations, otherwise known as “workload annotations” or “owner data,” can be used to keep track of the runtime status of machines that are acquired or deployed. These annotations are set using key=value pairs. You can set any key=value pair that you wish for any machine, although it’s probably more useful if you standardise your key names.

To set a dynamic annotation for a machine, you can enter a command like this:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY=$VALUE

For example:

maas admin machine set-owner-data tgaat6 owner=gsmith@zorko.com

This command will return a JSON string representative of the machine’s new configuration, including the dynamic annotations you’ve added. You can check your work by listing the dynamic annotations for the one machine you just edited, or by listing dynamic annotations for all machines.

Clear and change dynamic annotations for a machine

You can change dynamic annotations for a machine simply by executing a new set-owner-data command:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY=$NEW_VALUE

You can clear a dynamic annotation by entering the empty string ("") as the $VALUE:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY=""

These commands will return a JSON string representative of the machine’s new configuration, including the dynamic annotations you’ve changed or cleared. You can check your work by listing the dynamic annotations for the one machine you just edited, or by listing dynamic annotations for all machines.

List dynamic annotations for all machines

You can list the current dynamic annotations for all machines with a command like this:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This command output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id  owner_data
--------       ---------  ----------
divine-stork   8b3ypp
casual-prawn   4end6r
driven-teal    tgaat6     farquar     foobar
immune-beetle  43xand
good-osprey    napfxk
smart-hen      c4rwq7

List dynamic allocations for one machine

You can list the dynamic annotations for one machine by entering a command of the form:

maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machine read tgaat6 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This will produce output similar to the following:

hostname     system_id  owner_data
--------     ---------  ----------
driven-teal  tgaat6     farquar     foobar