Achieving high availability in MAAS

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This page outlines the procedures for managing and understanding audit events in MAAS (Metal as a Service). Audit events play a crucial role in monitoring the changes and activities on your managed machines. Read about ways to effectively utilise audit events for tracking and oversight.

List audit events

To retrieve a list of MAAS audit events, execute the following command in the MAAS CLI:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT

This lists all audit events, including information such as the username, hostname, date, and a description of the event.

Filter events by hostname

To narrow down audit events to a specific hostname, use:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT hostname=your-hostname

Substitute your-hostname with the actual hostname to list events for that specific host.

Filter events by MAC

For filtering audit events by a MAC address:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT mac_address=00:11:22:33:44:55

Change 00:11:22:33:44:55 to the MAC address of interest. This will show events related to the given MAC address.

Filter events by SYSID

To filter events by a system ID:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT id=system-id

Replace system-id with the actual system ID to list events for that ID.

Filter events by zone

For zone-specific audit events:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT zone=your-zone

Replace your-zone with the zone name to filter events within that zone.

Filter events by owner

To view events based on the machine’s owner:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT owner=owner-username

Change owner-username to the username of the owner to list their machine’s events.

Limit event count

To limit the number of displayed events:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT limit=10

This command shows only the last 10 audit events, adjustable as needed.

Move event window

To start displaying events from a certain point:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT after=event-id

Replace event-id with the starting event ID to list subsequent events.

Audit life-cycles

Auditing a machine’s life cycle involves collecting and analysing audit data over time. Start by gathering extensive audit data:

$ maas $PROFILE events query level=AUDIT hostname=your-hostname limit=1000 > /tmp/audit-data

This saves a significant number of events for the specified hostname into a file, aiding in the analysis of the machine’s activity and life cycle for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.

Just pointing out that this article has nothing to do with “achieving high availability in MAAS” :slight_smile: