Prometheus metrics

MAAS services can provide Prometheus endpoints for collecting performance metrics. These include:

  • TFTP server file transfer latency
  • HTTP requests latency
  • Websocket requests latency
  • RPC calls (between MAAS services) latency
  • Per request DB queries counts

All available metrics are prefixed with maas_, to make it easier to look them up in Prometheus and Grafana UIs.

Quick questions you may have:

Enabling Prometheus endpoints

Whenever you install the python3-prometheus-client library, Prometheus endpoints are exposed over HTTP by the rackd and regiond processes under the default /metrics path.

For a snap-based MAAS installation, the libraries already included in the snap so that metrics will be available out of the box.

For a Debian-based MAAS installation, install the library and restart MAAS services as follows:

sudo apt install python3-prometheus-client
sudo systemctl restart maas-rackd
sudo systemctl restart maas-regiond

MAAS also provides optional stats about resources registered with the MAAS server itself.

These include:

  • The number of nodes by type, arch, …
  • Number of networks, spaces, fabrics, VLANs and subnets
  • Total counts for machines CPU cores, memory and storage
  • Counters for VM host resources

After installing the python3-prometheus-client library as describe above, run the following to enable stats:

maas $PROFILE maas set-config name=prometheus_enabled value=true

Configuring Prometheus

Once the /metrics endpoint is available in MAAS services, Prometheus can be configured to scrape metric values from these. You can configure this by adding a stanza like the following to the prometheus configuration:

    - job_name: maas
        - targets:
          - <maas-host1-IP>:5239  # for regiond
          - <maas-host1-IP>:5249  # for rackd
          - <maas-host2-IP>:5239  # regiond-only
          - <maas-host3-IP>:5249  # rackd-only

If the MAAS installation includes multiple nodes, the targets entries must be adjusted accordingly, to match services deployed on each node.

If you have enabled MAAS stats, you must add an additional Prometheus job to the config:

    - job_name: maas
      metrics_path: /MAAS/metrics
        - targets:
          - <maas-host-IP>:5240

In case of a multi-host deploy, adding a single IP for any of the MAAS hosts running regiond will suffice.

Deploying Prometheus and Grafana

Grafana and Prometheus can be easily deployed using Juju.

The MAAS performance repo repository provides a sample deploy-stack script that will deploy and configure the stack on LXD containers.

First, you must install juju via:

sudo snap install --classic juju

Then you can run the script from the repo:

grafana/deploy-stack <MAAS-IP>

To follow the progress of the deployment, run the following:

watch -c juju status --color

Once you deploy everything, the Grafana UI is accessible on port 3000 with the credentials admin/grafana. The Prometheus UI will be available on port 9090.

The repository also provides some sample dashboard covering the most common use cases for graphs. These are available under grafana/dashboards. You can import them from the Grafana UI or API.

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Metrics from the the region controller and MAAS stats work perfect. But I get an error from the rack controller.
In the Prometheus targets endpoint I get this.

Get context deadline exceeded

MAAS 2.6.1 and Prometheus sharm cs:prometheus2-12 with config for MAAS:

- job_name: maas-metrics
  metrics_path: /MAAS/metrics
       - targets:

- job_name: maas-stat
    - targets:

It was a routing problem.
So solved now :slight_smile:

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